Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Why is America Different?

Our American way of life is what it is for a number of reasons.  I believe that freedom for anyone and everyone in this country to excel financially is first and foremost amongst the reasons.  Anyone can build a business or a career of their choice.  They can choose to enter any area of business and grow that business to any level they want.  Maybe that is a local gas station or maybe a multi-national manufacturing organization.

If you have spent time in a third world country, you will quickly notice that their are rich people there, just like the US.  The big difference is the lack of a middle class in the third world country.  Only a very few people fall into this category, with the masses living in poverty.  The masses don't have access to a free education through high school.  The kids go to work at an early age, ending whatever educational opportunity they had.

The wealth is concentrated in the hands of the ruling class.  These rulers are often dictatorial.  They aren't elected to represent the desires of the citizenry.  They are born into power in a monarchy or their power is simply seized by intimidation or force.  The good of the people is not of any real concern to these leaders.  They can oppress them if they want.  They can tax them into poverty.  Sometimes these leaders are benevolent and treat the people reasonably well.  Other times, they oppress the people through military action.  In some cases, the people are pushed into a corner and begin to fight back.  We have seen a rise in this activity in the middle east over the past couple of years.

In America, our constitution is supposed to protect us from this oppression.  Over the first 200+ years since the founding, Americans have enjoyed a great deal of freedom -- an unprecedented freedom never seen before on this planet.  This has led to widespread prosperity.  Yes, there are some very rich people in the USA, but there are also a lot of us that fall into a quite comfortable middle class.  In fact, even our poor in the United States live better than half the world's population.

Is the MessAPolitico in the process of moving America back toward the norm of the world?  Does the Barack Obama regime believe in their hearts that Americans have more than they deserve?  Is the over-riding goal with this group a desire to redistribute America's wealth across the globe?  It's hard to conceive that a president that was elected by the masses would work against them to break down our country.  It's even harder to believe that these masses could be duped into re-electing a president that is either inept or wants to purposefully destroy our country.

I see this president, a constitutional law professor, taking every opportunity to bypass the constitution.  He tries to reach his goals through the legislative process, but if the Congress refuses to pass the law, Obama doesn't let that stop him.  He will just issue an executive order and bypass the will of the people.  Or maybe he will use an agency to issue regulations to reach his goals.  The freedoms in America are being eroded every day and every week under the Barack Obama MessAPolitico.  Every action he takes concentrates more power in the hands of the executive branch of government.  The benefactors are the ruling class.

These politicians were given their power by the electorate.  We either did it by voting for them or by staying home and not voting against them.  It's time to take that power back.  The next time you see this new American monarch taking his family on a lavish vacation to Europe or Africa using our tax dollars, try to remember when the president was an employee of us, the American people.  Maybe you will then realize that we now have a ruler, not a public servant.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Immigration Reform = Republican Mass Suicide

Why does immigration reform remind me of Jonestown, Guyana?  Do the Republicans really think they will save themselves by passing an immigration reform bill that gives amnesty to a bunch of illegal immigrants?  Hey Republicans, what's wrong with you guys?  Are that many of you morons?  Your opponents stand to gain 30 million new voters that will overwhelmingly vote for them, not you.

Why do the Republicans believe that the new immigrants will vote Republican if the amnesty bill comes from a group of Republicans?  It won't happen?  Did I mention that it won't happen?  It will never happen?

An early Republican, Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves.  Republicans are responsible for passing civil rights in defiance of the southern Democrats.  Do African-Americans repay the good turns by voting Republican these days?  Guess what.  The newly naturalized Hispanic Americans are certainly going to follow suit and vote Democrat.

How will the Republicans ever be a factor in American politics again?  The Democrats have convinced the Republicans to commit mass political suicide.

Will the borders be secured by this law?  It is unlikely.  Did the congress already pass a law requiring a fence to be built to protect our southern border?  Yes.  Was it built?  Very little of it was built.  Will this time be different?  I doubt it.

Congress, please spend your energy and our tax dollars on new tactics that allow us to enforce the laws we already have on the books.  Don't reward immigration law breakers with amnesty and citizenship.  Have no sympathy for these offenders.  Arrest them.  Deport them.  Fine them.  Deny them all benefits of real US citizens.  End this MessAPolitico now.  Don't try to fix one MessAPolitico with a new one that is worse than the original.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Do We Need Immigration Reform?

There are already laws in place that make the illegal immigrants illegal.  Now we're talking about passing a new law that makes them legal.  Is that what America wants?  For the most part, no.  The Democrats want to make illegal immigrants legal because they believe they will vote Democrat.  If you make enough of these folks legal and give them the right to vote, the Democrats will be guaranteed to win every election going forward.  The conservatives and the libertarians will then be officially disenfranchised.  We will have lost our country completely.  (We may have already lost the country.  At this point in time, I don't see how any Republican will ever win the presidency again.)

This round of immigration reform talks is interestingly similar to the other debates between liberals and conservatives over the past four or five years.  It has come to a head all of a sudden.  The bill is reported to be a 1000 page monstrosity that no one has seen yet.  It will be dropped on Congress right at the end of the session, before the summer recess.  It will be pressed to the floor for a vote just before the recess, and there will be an artificial deadline as the Democrats try to make it urgent to pass the bill without reading it.  Why do the authors of this bill want it passed before it is read?  Is there something hidden in there that the folks might not like?

Why does this bill need to be 1000 pages?  Are all these pages needed to hide something?  Why do we need this bill at all?  As I have already written, there are already laws in place that lay out a path to citizenship.  If folks come into our country without following the legal immigration path, then they are in violation of the law.  These laws just need to be enforced rigorously.  There is absolutely no need for amnesty.  There is no need for sympathy.  So what if the illegal immigrants have been here a long time?  I guess they were just lucky enough to be here all this time, but now it's time for them to go home.

I keep hearing Marco Rubio talking about how people that are extended the opportunity for amnesty and legal citizenship won't get welfare or other free government services for some period of time.  Why should any of these folks be getting these "freebies" today?  Why do their kids get to go to our schools?  Why do they cross the border and show up in the emergency room for free medical care?  They should be arrested just after treatment in the hospital and incarcerated for entering the country illegally.  Of course, it is politically incorrect to even ask them to prove that they are citizens.  That applies to police or hospital personnel or anyone that needs to know.

I'm sure you've heard the argument that there is no way to get the millions of illegal immigrants rounded up and deported.  I don't think we should have to round them up.  We don't need new laws.  We need new tactics for gaining enforcement of the laws we have.  Instead of using the same old MessAPolitico that says we can't do it, let's come up with solutions--new ways of making the immigration laws work.  The first step in solving any problem is defining it.  If you can figure out the root causes of the problem, solutions can be developed.

So, why do illegal immigrants come to America?  They come here for better paying jobs.  They come here to get money for the support of their families.  They come here when they need medical care that they can't get south of the border.  They come here for welfare and other government benefits.  Sometimes they come here to sell illegal drugs and marijuana.  Sometimes crimes are committed against Americans that live just north of the border.

How do we stop people from crossing the border for jobs, medical benefits, or government assistance?  It seems that we need a much better system for verifying citizenship.  If we made it impossible for them to get a job or benefits, why would this segment of the illegals come here?  Why would the ones already here stay?  We need to check for citizenship at every opportunity, and illegals need to be punished with fines and deportation or incarceration.

We need to use today's best technologies to verify citizenship.  I think this could be done by using a photo ID card issued by our government.  The photo could be published online and on the card, along with fingerprints.  A fake ID wouldn't do you any good, if the potential employer could check online and see that it doesn't exist in the system.  If the person using the card doesn't look like the photo online, then it's not that person's ID.  A bar code could be scanned on the card that brings up the information instantly for verification.  In fact, this type system could be used to verify your identity for a credit application.  Could elimination of identity theft be a side benefit of this system that helps all of us?  The technology certainly exists, so why doesn't the MessAPolitico spend more money on this than it spends on benefits fraudulently obtained by illegal immigrants?  Why not get the jobs that are currently held by illegal immigrants back in the hands of American citizens?

The money we save on benefits to illegal aliens could be used for fencing and guarding of the borders.  The extra tax dollars paid by Americans with jobs would also help pay the government bills.  Maybe we don't have to pay out as much welfare and unemployment benefits to unemployed Americans either.  Use the extra tax revenues and savings to expand the number of border patrol agents or to use the National Guard for securing the borders.  Then we could take care of the crime problems and illegal drug trafficking across the border.

Will this MessAPolitico get fixed?  Not if you leave it to the Democrats.  Once again, they don't have America's best interests at heart.  They only care about gaining political power.  Self interest will trump the best interests of the people these politicians were elected to serve.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Are College Professors Greedy Capitalists?

It is interesting to hear liberal college professors railing against businesses for being greedy.  What about them?  After they get tenure, their jobs are secure for life without a major screw up.  Then they teach a few classes each week, and let graduate students grade papers and do the heavy lifting.  A lot of them write books and then make the students buy them for the classes they are paid to teach.  The work schedule includes a 16 week fall semester, a 16 week spring semester, and an 8 week summer semester.  That adds up to a whopping 40 weeks of work every single year.  In their spare time, they might go out and get consulting gigs or compete for a government grant to do research.  They can get the graduate students to do the research, and that frees up the professor's time for "railing against the machine."

College professors love to complain about people that make more money than them though.  You might earn a living by starting a business and providing valued products to consumers.  That business may require you to mortgage your home and risk your life savings.  You and your family might struggle to survive for a while as the business gets kicked off.  Your week may consist of 80 or more hours on the job, leaving you dead tired and having little time with the kids.  Your business might even fail after all of the hard work and leave you with an empty nest egg.  But if your hard work pays off, and you end up with a successful business, don't make too much money.  Some liberal like constitutional law professor Barack Obama will tell you that you didn't do that business yourself.  The only reason that business exists is because of the government.  You're greedy for making too much money.  You can afford to pay your taxes and the taxes of that half of the population that was not quite as "lucky" as you.

So why is the price of higher education rising every year, regardless of economic conditions?  Why do those professors continue to make more and more money every year?  The rest of us are left with more work to do, because the economy caused some of our co-workers to be laid off.  The boss says we won't be getting raises this year either, or even worse, we are forced to take a week or two off without pay.  Unfortunately, the bank won't give us a week off from paying the mortgage.  That professor doesn't have to worry about paying the bills though.  He'll just get another grant from the EPA to study global warming.  Then, while the graduate assistant is doing the work for that research grant, the good doctor can go into the classroom and indoctrinate another group of young, gullible minds full of mush.  In a mere four years, the university can turn out another crop of thousands of little unemployed socialist zombies to vote for Obama.

The kids these days can't earn enough to pay for college even if they can find a summer job.  That's alright if their parents can afford to pay for their tuition and room and board.  Otherwise, they take out huge student loans.  At graduation, they're lucky to find a job in their chosen field, and they are strapped with $40,000 or more in debt.  How can they buy a car or a home until the debt is paid off?

Universities are run by the states for the most part.  With the government playing such a large role in higher education, why would anyone expect it to work well?  Higher education is nothing but another example of the MessAPolitico that is government control.  I feel sorry for the students.  We're letting them down.  They start out life in the hole, and I don't see how they can dig out before middle age.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Is Edward Snowden a Traitor?

Legally, I think that Edward Snowden is a traitor.  It would seem that a person working for the NSA and having access to the things he claims to know about has a top-secret clearance.  That being the case, he shouldn't have publicly disclosed this information.  He can't just tell everyone, including our enemies, what clandestine programs we are using.  Who is this guy to decide what deserves to be done and what is unconstitutional?

I also believe this program to be intrusive on our freedoms.  I fear that the government could take this information gathered and learn things about my personal beliefs and politics.  I could be punished for taking the wrong political stance.  Will the federal government be disciplined enough to stick the goals at hand and just monitor for links to terrorism?  Am I safe with this president and administration and free to speak my mind without ramifications?  I do not trust the government with anything these days.

I also think that collecting all this data has produced "information overload," and that could have caused us to miss something important that is buried in the pile.  If all of this data is such a great way to stop terrorism, how did the bombing happen in Boston at the marathon?  Did that incident get missed because we were monitoring too many people that have no connection to terrorism?  Wouldn't it have been more beneficial to take the Russian intelligence more seriously that warned us to watch the Tsarnaev brothers?  What if we had closely monitored their telephone calls and Internet visits?  Would we have stopped this attack?  We will never know.  How seriously were the warnings taken?  What did the FBI do with the warning?

Do I want my Internet and telephone records monitored by the government without any cause?  No.  Should they demonstrate probable cause before getting access to my private life?  Yes, they should get a warrant.  On the other hand, I want the feds to protect us from terrorist attacks.  So, I think it is more productive to more thoroughly investigate people that have demonstrated that they pose a threat.  The "shotgun" method of just scattering your resources widely and randomly across everyone in the country has got to be less productive than something targeted tightly on a smaller group that has demonstrated that they are dangerous.

This NSA program may have prevented terrorist attacks.  It's hard to tell if those attacks would have been stopped in other ways without the program.  The NSA and the president say that no one had their actual conversations or emails read.  They say that this is legal, because the actual content wasn't reviewed.  Do you believe them?  Were the government officials lying, or was Edward Snowden lying?  Did Edward Snowden exaggerate his expertise and knowledge?  I'm not sure.  It's all a dangerous MessAPolitico that is infringing on our rights and freedoms, and Mr. Snowden is a traitor for violating the trust he was given.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Is the Tea Party Applying for a Government Subsidy?

I was watching Jehmu Greene, a liberal commentator, on a Saturday morning show on Fox News.  She kept saying that the Tea Party and other conservative groups should be thoroughly reviewed, because they were trying get a funding subsidy from the government.  That's how she views their 501(c) tax exempt status applications, but is that right.  Well 501(c) tax exempt status would allow donors to these organizations to claim a tax deduction for their contribution dollars.

I have never viewed my charitable contributions to my church as being government subsidized.  You know, I never gave money to the church and thought about the tax deduction as being a "matching" contribution to the church.  I never thought to myself, I was going to donate $100, but I will save $15 in taxes, so I'll write the check for $115.  This concept of the government funding a charity through the tax deductions, just didn't register with me at all.  It still doesn't.

All of that being said, does that have anything to do with the scandal at the IRS?  In my opinion, no.  The scandal is all about disparate treatment under the law.  Did the IRS scrutinize left leaning organizations as closely as these organizations with the words "Tea Party" or "Patriot" in their names?  Evidence would tend to say that they did not.  Many of these left-wing groups are overtly political in their activities, although they may not support a particular candidate.  They already have tax exempt status.

The Tea Party is an organization that promotes fiscal responsibility.  I've been to a number of their meetings, and before the election last fall, a number of candidates spoke at the meetings.  Some were Republican, some were Democrat, and others were non-partisan local candidates.  As I have viewed the reaction of the Tea Party meeting attendees, I didn't see that they were supporting or opposing a particular party.  It was ideology that was either supported or opposed.  A candidate that supported growth of government, especially in healthcare, was called to task after speaking.  The Tea Party folks aren't bashful about pointing out a candidate's folly.  This didn't happen behind their backs, but right there at the meeting.  That often happened with Democrats, but not exclusively.  They passed out information that compared the voting records of all members of congress, and some Republicans didn't look so great.  The Tea Party is primarily a Libertarian organization that promotes the US Constitution and freedom and fiscal responsibility.  Are the Democrats really afraid of an organization that promotes these things?  If so, why?

I would venture a guess that most Americans that voted for Barack Obama for president would say that they believe in freedom.  I bet they like their constitutional protections for freedom of association and freedom of speech.  If you ask them, I'll bet they prefer having a strong constitution.  Would they have voted for a president or law maker that wants to tear down these protections of the people?

This MessAPolitico in Washington wants to stop the political dissent of the Tea Party.  They don't want you to have as much freedom as the constitution allows.  They want the power to control you.  They don't want you donating to any cause that opposes their agenda.  In fact, they would prefer to take your money and use it to buy enough votes to maintain their power and tyrannical control over the populace.

Hey IRS, free these groups from your tyranny.  Give them the tax exempt status they deserve.  Or give us a fair tax and no one will have any deductions.  That will make it all fair.  Then the government will NOT be guiding our decisions on what to do with our money.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Why Do We Need Obamacare?

Obama has been saying since before Obamacare was passed that we needed the Affordable Care Act to reduce healthcare costs.  He promised that our insurance and healthcare costs would all be reduced, but there was a special emphasis on the savings to the federal government because of the wasteful way we provide healthcare for people without insurance.

Barack Obama said that people showed up at the emergency room to get care that would be more economically done in a doctor's office.  That's not wrong.  It's also the reason that private insurance companies make you pay a much larger out-of-pocket cost for emergency room visits to encourage using other resources unless there is a true emergency.  By contrast, the government encourages emergency room visits by legislatively forcing hospitals to never turn anyone away in an "emergency."  Just another example of a MessAPolitico to be cured by another piece of legislation.

Barack Obama also talked about how a lot of young people think they won't need insurance, so they choose not to buy it.  Then, when they end up with a major illness or injury, the government is left "holding the bag."  That also is true.  These young people are willing to "roll the dice," because the odds are definitely in their favor, AND they know the government won't leave them high and dry when the unthinkable happens.  Isn't the government encouraging this behavior?  If the unlucky young person ends up with a $100,000 bill and goes into debt to stay alive, then so be it.  That's the chance he or she took.  The chance should be taken with their own money though, not our tax dollars.

The young person that's at low risk for a medical problem should pay correspondingly very low insurance rates.  If they did, that would be more reason for them to buy insurance.  It would be inexpensive, and they would be covered in case of that rare, catastrophic occurrence.  Isn't the MessAPolitico just encouraging more bad behavior when government bureaucrats decide that a young, single person needs all sorts of coverages that run up the price?  These are coverages that the insured will likely not use until they get older, and their health is slipping.

If it wasn't for the government dictating the rules and then paying out money when you make bad decisions, I believe people would be more likely to take the right actions on their own.  If the government wasn't stepping in and paying for our medical bills, they wouldn't need to tell us how to live our lives, what to eat, how often to exercise, etc. etc. either.  The more responsibility you give to the government, the more control it will exercise over your life.  You aren't free to live your life now, because the government is trying to force all of us to do what they deem is right.  Are they really concerned about your well-being?  Or are they just trying to save a buck any way they can?  Or do the liberals just want more power concentrated in the hands of government?

I can't take much more of this MessAPolitico?  End Obamacare.  Obamacare is gradually destroying the greatest medical system the world has ever known.  We don't have better care for the poorest people in America; we have just made the care for everyone else worse and more expensive.  Vote the Democrats out of the Senate in 2014.  Make Barack Obama veto the bill to repeal Obamacare.  Defund Obamacare.  It can't move forward without money.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Who's the Boss?

I saw some of those congressional hearings last week about the IRS scandal.  There were some members of Congress that don't seem to realize their place.  They work for us.  We elected (hired) them to represent our views in congress.  This is a representative republic where we don't individually vote on every law or bill that is brought up for consideration.  We hired these folks to take care of that business on our behalf.  Yes, we gave them a job, and that job is to vote in accord with our desires.  These politicians aren't free to vote their mind; they're supposed to vote our collective mind.

This very simply illustrates why more and more Americans have a serious dislike and distrust of politicians.  I abhor politicians that try to twist reality so that they appear to be doing us a favor, when they are doing something that hurts us and hurts America.  Either we've elected idiots that don't know they're hurting the constituents or they are selfishly doing it to further their political ambitions without regard for the constituents.  Is that leadership?

The check and balance is supposed to be freedom of the press.  The press should investigate the statements of our leaders.  They should study the ramifications of new laws.  The things learned in these investigations should be reported to the American people in an unbiased way so that we can decide.  There absolutely shouldn't be favoritism either.  The driving factor in a news story should be getting a "scoop," not deciding whether this story should be squashed to protect their favorite politician and further the reporter's personal political agenda.  Would a politician spew disingenuous crap and political spin if he or she knew the press would reveal the truth?

The people not only have no trust in politicians, but they also have no trust in the media whatsoever.  We have created a situation in the American media where all news is nothing but an editorial.  The editorial pages of the newspaper have expanded to include everything but the want-ads.  The result is that Americans have left the traditional media outlets in large numbers for the Internet, non-traditional sources.

What's the answer to this MessAPolitico?  It's time to throw them all out of office.  It's time for term limits.  We need to end politics as a career path.  There are too many slick talking lawyers in politics too.  America needs more statesmen and stateswomen leaders.  We let the press select our leaders for us by vilifying politicians they disagree with.  The dirt they dig up, or make up, prevents a lot of smart, good people from running for office at all.  Why would good, smart people want to put themselves through the hassle?  It's time to wake up America.  We are the only ones that can end this MessAPolitico.  Let's replace it with common sense and humility.  I hope it's not too late.

Monday, June 10, 2013

They're Watching

The reports have surfaced first saying that Verizon phone records have been monitored by our government for almost a year now.  Then it came out that a lot more phone companies than just Verizon were watched.  On Friday we learned that the government is monitoring what web sites we are visiting.  Of course, various members of Congress, the department of justice, and the administration have said over and over that this was "legal" and "lawful."  It was all done for our safety.  It thwarted terrorist attacks.  Don't worry, they didn't listen in like a wire tap on your phone call.  They just wanted to know who was calling whom.

Well, there was a terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon, and that wasn't thwarted.  Did the Tsarnaev brothers visit any radical websites?  Did they visit any bomb making websites?  Did they call any Islamic radicals?  Even after the Russian government warned the FBI to watch these guys and with mass monitoring of telephone and Internet patterns, they still weren't stopped.  Maybe the problem is information overload.

Could it be that paying more attention to this family after a tip would have been more productive than watching little old ladies with a Verizon phone?  With our law enforcement officials so afraid of offending some group, they can't really look at a radical without wasting their time on the whole cross-section of our population.  The result is having our law enforcement people spread too thin monitoring a lot of people that are obviously not dangerous, when they could be doing a very comprehensive review of people that are much more likely to cause a problem.  That's how a MessAPolitico works.  That's just stupid.

I'm a little worried about all of this monitoring.  Am I going to be audited by the IRS now?  Did the monitoring of website visitors turn up that my IP address has visited conservative blogs?  Did they notice that I write a conservative blog?  Does the Department of Justice figure I'm a dangerous radical now?  Am I a threat to the conversion of America to a Fascist, Marxist, police state?  Is it possible that I might hurt the liberal cause of transforming America into the president's vision of government control?  What if my phone records show that I called a Tea Party member?  What if I visited the local Tea Party website?  Am I public enemy #1?

When a known terrorist sympathizer is investigated, law enforcement is supposed to go to a judge for a warrant or a court order.  If law enforcement can show probable cause, the judge will allow more intrusive investigation of this person.  Checking their phone records and Internet habits would likely provide good intelligence that could lead to other associates that are involved in a potential plot to kill and injure Americans.  The "shotgun" approach of monitoring half the people in the country from high school cheerleaders to ministers to your grandmother yields mountains of information that take many, many hours of analysis to sort through.  Is it any wonder that law enforcement doesn't have time to investigate the real threats because they're so busy sorting through billions of telephone and Internet usage records?

Will we ever replace this MessAPolitico with common sense?  I doubt it.  (Don't forget that these are the same people that are tightening their grip on our healthcare system.)  Am I a thoroughly dangerous conservative, right-wing radical?  I didn't know that I was dangerous, but maybe I am.  The MessAPolitico knows best.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Obama Has Fixed the Stock Market!

For some reason, I was watching the "lame stream" media the other day.  Some Obama supporter or reporter or whatever you want to call him was talking about how great the stock market is doing under Obama's watch.  He noted how much the stock market was up since the low point that occurred in early 2009 when the Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped to $6,547.05.  On May 31, 2013, the same index was at $15,115.57 for increase of 131%.  Most people would be impressed and say that this is a huge increase in just over 4 years.  This is really a disingenuous take on the stock market though.

Let's go back to 2007 when the stock market hit it's last peak before the great recession of $14,164.53.  When you look at how much ground we've gained in less than 6 years, it is only up 6.7%.  That's not 6.7% per year, but a total increase over the entire period of 6.7%.  The compounded annual growth rate is just a little more than 1%.

You could really take this back even farther.  Let's go back to boom at the end of Bill Clinton's second term in 2000.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit $11,722.90 in early 2000.  Since then, the stock market is up a total of 28.9%, which is a compounded annual growth rate of less than 2%.  If you've saved religiously over the long haul and put your faith in the blue chip stocks of the Dow Jones, over the past 13+ years you haven't kept up with inflation.

A lot of us have been saving because we don't expect the politicians to stop the Social Security MessAPolitico.  I personally was saving as though there is no Social Security.  Now, the stock market has failed to make the gains I had expected.  My base of savings that was built up in my first 20 years of employment has only made small gains in the past 13 years.  The only saving grace is that I continued contributing to my 401K plan, and during the past decade the market has spent a lot of time at low levels.  The purchases during those years have grown significantly, because the purchases were made at low prices.  The only unknown is what to expect in my last 10-15 years before retirement.  They are critical in the final tally of retirement savings, and I'm not a bit more confident that Social Security will be around when I retire.

Does the government cause these big increases in the stock market?  Did Obama's bailout programs turn this thing around?  Should he take credit for the big stock market gains in the past couple of years?  I don't think so.  In fact, I believe firmly that the recession would have been a minor correction that would have ended several years ago if the business cycle had been allowed to run its course.  The interventions by the federal MessAPolitico have run up our national debt to unbelievable heights.  The endless regulations designed to protect us all from any harm have instead protected us from employment.  The government can't make good things happen in the economy; that is done by a boom in the private sector.  The best way to have a boom in the private sector is to get the government MessAPolitico OUT OF THE WAY.  The government can't make business boom, but it surely can kill a boom.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Do Tax Incentives & Rebates Work?

If you've been to business school, you know that all those different classes for various business subjects are interrelated.  For instance, micro economics is certainly related to marketing.  Generally, prices are set in the marketing department in a corporation.  How are those prices determined?  If you are a Marxist and don't believe in the laws of supply and demand, then your answer might be that "the manufacturing and production costs are simply marked up to provide a fair profit."  On the other hand, a capitalist would say that "the price is determined by the intersection of the supply curve and the demand curve to create equilibrium."  So, which is right?

Seeing that I'm a capitalist, I've got to go with the latter.  What's wrong with the Marxist point of view?  Well, what happens if you set the price too low and create a demand that is greater than the available supply?  The answer is a shortage.  You go to the store to buy an item, and it's not there.  You place one on order, and it doesn't show up for weeks or months.  Can the price be set too high?  Absolutely.  If the price is too high, the volume of sales won't be great enough to use up all of the production.  Inventory will grow, and production will likely need to be reduced.  Since there are fixed costs that occur regardless of the production volume, the cost per unit will go up and reduce the profit margin for the manufacturer or the retailer or the service provider.

This talk of fixed cost brings up an issue with the Marxist idea for pricing.  When you are trying to decide how high to set the price of your product, what is the cost?  You have the variable costs of labor hours and material required to make the item, and those are relatively easy to attach to a unit of production.  However, the fixed costs can't be allocated per unit unless you know how many units are going to be sold.  Of course, Marx solved this issue by advocating that investments in machines and buildings and many of the sources of this fixed cost shouldn't be considered in the cost.  Those investments should be made by the rich people out of the goodness of their hearts.

By the way, a lot of people who believe that price is somehow a simple mark-up of production cost don't consider themselves Marxist or socialist or communist.  They simply think that the laws of supply and demand are just things in a text book, but they aren't actually put into practice in the "real world."

OK, let's get back to setting the prices.  Those marketing guys are out there trying to figure out where to set the price in order to match demand with the available supply.  They are taught to do this in a way that maximizes profit.  Before you liberals have a cow, let's consider if this is a good or bad thing.  This market pricing is determined by a number of factors.  First, how do the consumers value one particular product?  Do they all value all products the same?  They do not.  Different features have different values to different consumers.  Just thinking of cars, do soccer moms value a 2 ton pick up the same as a construction worker?  No.  Do young males value a fancy sports car the same as your average retired woman?  Probably not.  The trick with marketing is to set the price at a level that captures enough consumer demand to sell all of the units being built.  The demand can vary with economic conditions and interest rates and other things, so sometimes rebates or incentives are used to help move excess inventory.

Where does cost come into the picture?  The manufacturing costs simply determine how much profit you can make when selling at the market price level.  If your profit is too low, it is likely that you will do something to bring profit up.  That might be done by purchasing equipment that produces more items per hour.  You might develop a new technology that eliminates material cost.  You might even design an alternative, similar product with fewer features and a lower cost to drive volume up and reduce the fixed cost per unit.  Unfortunately, you might reduce labor costs by moving production to a low cost country.  (I really don't like this one.  After all, I'm an American.  I have worked in manufacturing all of my life, including my summer jobs in high school and college.)  The other alternative is to simply exit the market and use the resources freed up to invest in something else that returns an acceptable profit.

Now let's consider the situation that seems to worry liberals so much, high profit margins.  In fact, business is accused of making too much profit far more often than it actually happens, but that aside, what happens if a product is producing a very high return on investment?  Obviously, the company will want to increase production to make even more profit.  Other companies that see the prosperity opportunity will also enter the market, increasing competition.  As the increased supply from this company and others comes on line, the supply curve will shift up or to the left.  That's kind of technical sounding, but what it really means is the price will need to come down to entice more consumers to buy the product.  The equilibrium between supply and demand will occur at a higher unit volume and lower price.  Additional production will continue to be put into service until the excess profits have been driven down to just that fair or acceptable level.

Does all of this benefit the consumer?  Absolutely.  The prices of the things they want are driven down as low as possible.  The manufacturers will continue to try and out perform the competition until the consumer gets excellent quality with energy and material efficient production.  Consumers also have the option of choosing a higher priced American product if they value patriotism.  If production is driven out of the country by low cost, off-shore competition, it is only because the consumer made the choice for price over patriotism.  I'm not one to judge you, but look in the mirror and think back to a time when you had this choice.  Which did you choose?  Are you one of the people that caused manufacturing to move out of the country?

What does all of this have to do with the subject of this post?  Do tax incentives really work?  Do they do anything?  They do have an effect, but I suspect it isn't what you expected.  When the government offers you a tax credit for buying a high efficiency furnace or heat pump, does that encourage more people to buy them?  The laws of supply and demand would say no.  The equilibrium point between the supply and demand curves doesn't change.  If the tax credit really reduced the price by 10%, then demand would increase, but the supply wouldn't be there.  So the manufacturer or dealer or both would have to raise the price before the tax credit.  That will make the price exactly the same with the tax credit as it had been without it.  Will that help get more people to buy energy efficient furnaces and heat pumps?  Yes, but indirectly.  You see, the manufacturer will be making more profit at the higher price created by the tax credit.  That will incentivize them to increase production until the profit margin is back down at the acceptable level.  Of course, tax credits like this could go away at any time.  So, what if the credit goes away next year, and you have increased manufacturing output?  You will end up laying people off or making lower profits.  Most likely, the manufacturer will just take the windfall profits to the bank until the tax credit goes away.

What is the end result?  The manufacturer makes extra profits.  The government collects less tax dollars.  All the liberals feel good, because they supposedly did something to help mother Earth, and they can complain about excess profits.  And most important of all, the MessAPolitico just keeps rolling along.

Monday, June 3, 2013

How Big Is the Atmosphere?

I have looked up a few facts:
  • The Earth's atmosphere that can support life extends up about 36,000 feet
  • The air gets thinner at increasing atmosphere, and the transition from atmosphere to outer space is gradual and uncertain
  • When a spacecraft re-enters the atmosphere, the effects become noticeable around 75 miles up
  • The diameter of the Earth varies from about 7926 miles at the equator to 7900 miles at the poles
  • You can calculate the volume of the portion of the atmosphere that can support life at 1,343,534,989 cubic miles (which is a whopping 197,765,598,800,000,000,000 cubic feet)
  • If you add in the volume of the atmosphere up to the onset of outer space, the volume increases dramatically to 15,034,881,520 cubic miles (or 2,213,103,768,000,000,000,000 cubic feet)
  • The number of cars worldwide is just over 1 billion
Why are these facts significant?  I think the amount of CO2 produced by cars is a drop in the bucket compared to the total volume of the atmosphere.  With the atmosphere having only about 0.0397% carbon dioxide, the volume of CO2 is still 878,602,195,900,000,000 cubic feet.  With 1,000,000,000 cars, the amount of CO2 volume in the atmosphere per car is 878,602,196 cubic feet/car.  Do you still think that your car can destroy the earth as the brilliant scientist, Al Gore, tells you over and over?

A complication is that the facts on CO2 produced per automobile per mile is listed in mass or weight rather than volume.  The EPA says that the average car gets 21 mpg.  (I guess that's the US average, because Europeans generally drive smaller, more fuel efficient cars.)  With that average mpg, the average car produces 423 grams per mile of travel, based on a gallon of gasoline producing 8887 grams of CO2 when it is burned.

The density of the air in pounds/cubic foot varies with the altitude.  When the CO2 leaves the tailpipe of the car, what happens to it?  Does it mix in throughout the atmosphere with the earth's rotation creating centripetal force that pushes is out into the atmosphere?  If it is strewn throughout this entire huge volume, 75 miles thick all over the surface of the planet, how can this small amount of CO2 emissions make a significant difference?

If it is significant, why not convert the CO2 to oxygen?  How?  Trees.  Use the billions of dollars spent by our government trying to convince us to stop burning fossil fuels, and grow and plant trees.  I've written it before, and here I am writing it again.  It's time to do something productive for a change.  Stop the MessAPolitico that is killing our economy.