After the debt ceiling bill was passed on Monday night, I made my last post. Frankly, I was disappointed and discouraged and just couldn't bring myself to put another one together until now.
A couple of my predictions have come true. First, our national credit rating was dropped by Standard & Poors. Their spokesman said that the rating was dropped because of the difficulty our politicians have getting the budget under control as I had written before.
Also, I saw John Kerry speaking on the television this morning and blaming the Tea Party. It was so predictable that he said our credit rating was dropped because of the fear of default on our obligations. The Democrat talking point for the week is going to be how the delay getting the bill passed was the problem. John, you and your compatriots JUST DON'T GET IT!
The Democrats pulled some political maneuvers and scare tactics and avoided the balanced budget amendment. They also were able to limit the cuts to some insignificant things that just slowed the rate of growth in the national debt. The irony is that their best shot at retaining control of the Senate and the White House next year would have come from losing this battle. Chances are, the uncertainty in the whole US economy will continue to keep the jobs outlook poor. The fickle American voter may allow Obama to take credit for any improvement in the economy in the next year, but that is unlikely to happen with the Democrat fixes continuing to fail miserably.
I implore the Tea Party and conservative voters to see this situation for what it is. The Republicans were out maneuvered and proved themselves to be inept at playing politics against the Democrats. However, they passed several bills in the House that were what we demanded. The Democrats blocked them. While I wish the stalemate had continued until more cuts were gained, we won't have a stalemate in January 2013 if you continue lining the Senate with Republicans and make a change in the White House.
Please don't be disillusioned and stay home in November 2012. Remember how we got into this MessAPolitico. The Republicans were punished in November 2008. My mom used an expression that fits well here: "don't cut off your nose to spite your face." When McCain wasn't conservative enough for some of us or Palin wasn't experienced enough, too many conservatives stayed home last time. Look what we got. Did staying home do anything to make Obama either conservative or experienced?
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