Over the past couple of weeks, President Obama and all of the Democrats have been telling us that the world would end because of the sequester. The Republicans in the House supposedly gave us this terrible thing that was forcing the government to shut down all of the things that make America work. The teachers were going to lose their jobs, and your kids would be left ignorant, even though teachers work for county and city schools. The criminals would run amuck, because all the police would be laid off. Your house would burn down with no firemen to put out the fire, and if you were hurt in the fire, there would be no ambulance service to take you to the hospital. Of course, police, fire, and public safety personnel are all employed by local governments. Janet Napolitano told everyone that the TSA lines at the airport would increase drastically, and after the sequester went into effect, she said that wait times in TSA lines in Atlanta, Chicago, and LA were 150% longer than normal. It turns out that officials at these three airports denied that anything had changed with the TSA lines this week; they said everything was flowing normally.
The Democrats had planned to use the media to scare America and blame the Republicans, hoping that John Boehner and the House would back down. The plan was to put the Republicans under mounting pressure until they caved and eliminated the cuts. Maybe they could even get another tax increase on the evil rich people. None of that worked, Boehner held his ground, and the media didn't totally fall in line perpetuating the lie.
The president's biggest fear is coming true. The American people woke up, and the sun came up just like always. The electricity is still on. In fact, they can't even see the difference. Wow! Maybe we can stand more cuts. In fact, we all need to balance our budgets at home, and the government needs to do the same.
This little tax cut wasn't enough to amount to a hill of beans. In fact, outside of Washington, DC this wouldn't have even been a cut at all. Government spending will actually rise this year with the "sequester cuts" in place. Now America has seen the man behind the curtain. The wizard is just a regular guy that has pulled the wool over so many eyes. Will the America that woke up stay awake? Will we demand meaningful cuts in the hundreds of billions of dollars? I hope so. Otherwise, the MessAPolitico will just continue to roll along until America will be just a bedtime story -- a fairy tale -- that we can tell our grandchildren about several years from now.
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