Why did Condoleezza Rice's decline to deliver her commencement address at Rutgers? She says it was because of student protests, and she didn't want to be a disruption. So why were the students protesting? Was it because she's African-American? Or maybe it's because she's a woman? Is this part of the liberal war on women, or do they have a war on African-Americans? Or is this a very specific war on African-American women only? How's that for innuendo.
Why is it alright for liberals to have a war on conservative women? Why is it okay for liberals to have a war on conservative African-Americans? Why do these liberals always accuse conservatives of acting like liberals? If acting like a liberal is so bad, why do they act that way? Why do liberals consider conservatives that act like liberals bad? Do conservatives really act that way? Really?
There are so very many questions here with so few answers. To me, the bigger question is this. Why do conservatives care what liberals say and do? Why do they fret that the media and the so-called journalists are liberal for the most part? This situation is what it is, period. A skilled politician would figure out a way to use this against them. It's time to turn the tables on the liberals. Why haven't we heard more about this snub of an accomplished, brilliant, conservative, African-American, woman? Where is the outcry from the Republicans everywhere?
Why would African-Americans support a political agenda that snubs African-Americans? Why do they vote overwhelmingly for politicians that are members of the party that defended segregation in the 1960's? In fact, the southern Democrats opposed civil rights legislation. Would we have the civil rights legislation without the Republican party? Do African-Americans need Democrats for their survival? I think African-Americans can think and act for themselves. Hopefully they will notice that President Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi are waging war on their way of life. Have you noticed that African-Americans are suffering greatly in the current economy with the highest unemployment rate of any group in America.
Why would women vote for a Democrat? Look at how the unemployment rate among women has risen under the Obama/Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi economic plan. That sure looks like a war on women to me. Or maybe it's a war on the middle class. Drive the jobs out of the country. Those are the jobs that employ all of us in the middle class in America. It doesn't appear that rich folks like Ms. Pelosi are being hurt by the economy.
Let's vote for a change in the primaries. Please select politicians that will fight for America. That would be politicians that represent the interests of their constituents rather than the MessAPolitico.
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