Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tea Party Racists?

Last night, I was watching a talk show where a Democratic strategist was debating a Tea Party person.  The Democratic strategist was an African-American gentleman, and he repeated over and over that the Tea Party is a racist organization.  The host and the other guest from the Tea Party asked him for an example of something racist that was done by the Tea Party or said by one of its members or leaders.  The strategist kept bringing up some Neo-Nazi group that has a website claiming they are affiliated with the Tea Party or maybe they support the Tea Party.

I had never heard of this Neo-Nazi organization, and I didn't write down the name so I could check it out.  In any case, this is a pretty loose interpretation of what it means to be a racist organization.  I guess it would make Barack Obama a socialist if a socialist organization supported him.  Alec Baldwin was recently accused of yelling an anti-gay slur at a reporter, and he is well known for his liberal leanings and support for Barack Obama.  Mr. Baldwin also had a show on MSNBC.  Does that make MSNBC an anti-gay network?  Is the Democrat party also anti-gay since Alec Baldwin supports it?

Interestingly, Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in his younger years.  In fact, some people referred to him as "Sheets" Byrd.  He wasn't just dabbling in the Klan, but was a recruiter.  Considering that Senator Byrd was a Democrat, you might think that this certainly would qualify the Democrat party as a racist organization.  After all, they supported his campaigns for the Senate over decades.  They didn't even think of kicking him out of the party.  The Democrat party didn't even denounce his past life.  So why are these Democrats given a free pass on this issue, with even the NAACP giving him a 100% rating for his votes in the 108th congress.

I've attended a few Tea Party meetings.  I'm not a member.  I don't think you can even become a member per se.  It seems that some regular folks get together twice a month and discuss issues with the country.  Sometimes a candidate for some local office comes in and discusses their platform.  On several occasions, a candidate was addressing the group, and their positions weren't fiscally responsible.  That candidate was told by several attendees that they would not be getting their support, and in one case the attendee said that this candidate would receive active opposition.

Never once have I heard or seen anything that was the least bit racist at any Tea Party function.  I've never seen it at my local meetings in person.  I've never seen or heard anything racist from a national figure on the radio or television.  I visited www.teapartypatriots.com and found this mission statement:
  • The Tea Party Patriots’ mission is to restore America’s founding principles of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.
How is this mission racist in any way?

The MessAPolitico can't fight a common sense message like the one above head-on.  So, how do they take on the Tea Party?  It has to be done with spin, lies, innuendo, and a carefully crafted image of the Tea Party.  I think I heard the real gist of the Democrat strategist's argument that the Tea Party is an inherently racist organization.  He made some offhand comment that some Tea Party members were "birthers."  He said that the Tea Party people were trying to prove that the President was born in Kenya and thus, not an American citizen.  That's why the Tea Party is racist.

First, I will say that I heard something at a Tea Party meeting that was quite contrary to this.  I was told by another attendee at a tea party meeting that Barack Obama's real father was an American named Frank Marshall Davis.  He loaned me a movie that I watched, and it presented a case for Mr. Davis being his real father.  I was told that it was a mistake to try and prove that Barack Obama was not an American citizen.  Photographs are shown to illustrate the similarity of their appearance.  Mr. Davis lived in Hawaii when Barack Obama was born and thereafter.  The movie stated that Barack spent a lot of time with Mr. Davis, who was a Communist party propagandist.  It also says that the President was born in the US.  Never once have I heard anyone question Barack Obama's citizenship at a Tea Party function.

In any case, I'm not sure how it is racist to check into Barack Obama's background to find out if he is a US citizen.  I guess any questioning of Barack Obama is inherently racist, since he is African-American.  Probably it is racist to disagree with Barack Obama or any of his policies.  Since the Tea Party disagrees with the liberal fiscal policies and the massive power grab that is currently eroding our freedoms, they are racist.  Me, I'm not racist.  I'm just anti-MessAPolitico.  My personal mission is precisely aligned with the mission statement above for the Tea Party Patriots.

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