Do the politicians know the eventual outcome of the Debt Ceiling Crisis? Maybe. Should the Tea Party take what they have gained and live to fight another day? Hmm . . . At the beginning of this standoff, the Democrats were demanding a tax increase; now that's essentially off the table. It's true that the only bills with a snowflake's chance don't even have real cuts. The fundamental problems with our federal spending aren't even addressed. The only bill that would satisfy the Tea Party and a majority of Americans is Cut, Cap, and Balance. Harry Reid won't even let the Senate vote on that one. He doesn't want any of the Democrats to have to explain their vote against a balanced budget. Of course, everyone says that the president would veto it anyway, so what's the point of voting on it.
Well there is a point. Let's make the Democrats in the Senate go on record voting against something that their constituents want. If some of them do vote for it, the president will be forced to veto a bill that is supported by so many people. Either a bunch of Senate Democrats get a black eye or some Senate Democrats and the president get a black eye.
At this point, House Majority Leader John Boehner should say to the world that the last plan has been voted on in the House. They sent over Cut, Cap, & Balance, and the ball's in their court. He should also announce that Harry Reid's and any other plan -- gang of six or whatever -- from the Senate is DEAD ON ARRIVAL in the House. The Republicans may only be in control of 1/3rd of the process that creates the bills, but that 1/3rd has the ability to stop everything. The shoe needs to be shifted to the other foot. The reality is that the Democrats have been given an opportunity to end this whole MessAPolitico, but they refused. Amazingly, the Democrats have managed to do absolutely nothing but say no, no, no, and somehow the impression in the country and the position brought forth in the media is that the Republicans are holding up the works.
The Senate has been sent two bills already -- Cut, Cap, & Balance and the Paul Ryan plan. They had a chance to take Cut, Cap, and Balance and either pass it or adjust it and send it back to the House. Instead, for purely political reasons, it never even came up for a vote. Harry Reid did this so that his people, who painted themselves into a corner, don't have to make the tough choice. Do they protect their liberal base that likes big spending government programs, or do they vote against the majority of Americans that want Cut, Cap, & Balance and ultimately want a Balance Budget Amendment? We have to force that choice to be made, because the Democrats lose either way.
I don't think it's too late. REPUBLICANS PLEASE STOP NOW! Don't bring up or vote on any other plans. The Democrats are in a MessAPolitico right now, and the Republicans don't seem to know it. Make it their fault Republicans. By the way, it is their fault. Stop trying so hard and getting slapped around for your trouble.
Politics is a messy business. In fact, it's a MessAPolitico!
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