- We have come up with a bipartisan compromise plan in the Senate, and all we're asking for is an up or down vote on that plan.
- We've tried to work with the Republicans, but Senator McConnell refused to participate.
- We heard all day that Majority Leader Boehner was going to pass a bipartisan plan that we could support. We waited all day, and then he sent over a partisan bill that we can't support.
- The Republicans can only say no.
- The Tea Party extremists are running the Republican Party. They are preventing the compromise needed to pass a bill.
Somehow this lack of political acumen is what is most appealing about the Republicans, especially the freshmen. They're still principled. They don't figure out what will play well in the press. They don't support things they know will be bad for the country, even if they can use it against their opponent in the election. They remember why the people voted for them and the job they were hired to do.
A lot of folks thought that John Boehner and the Republicans would cave before this week was over. I have to admit that I was a little worried myself. I thought they would be worried about being strapped with the disaster, whatever it turns out to be on August 2nd. The Democrats have certainly tried to sit back and do nothing, avoid a difficult vote on a real reform bill, and blame the Republicans. Only a consummate politician would have the kahonies to even try that. But something amazing has happened over the past few days. Even with the gloom and doom, demagoguery, and fear mongering of the Democrats and their minions in the main stream media, Americans actually have remained resolute. They want changes, NOW. They aren't buying the lies anymore. Americans would rather wait and see what happens on Tuesday than accept another compromise.
Hang in there America. It's a pretty sure bet that this Tuesday the sun will come up in the east and set in the west. It'll happen again on Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and . . . . Do we really believe anything Obama says? In 2008, in August or September not long before the upcoming election, Obama used exactly this tactic to change the discussions in his favor. If you recall, the McCain/Palin ticket was making some gains in the polls, primarily because the price of gasoline was getting really high. McCain and Palin were talking about drilling for oil to increase the supply and keep gasoline prices in check. All of a sudden, Barack Obama told us there was a big crisis in the housing market because so many mortgages were heavily leveraged placing the lending institutions in a crisis that needed to averted. We can't stop the flow of credit in the economy because we would be in a depression. He talked our economy into a deep recession. Then Senator Obama was able to get a big-time spending bill passed to save the day. He did such a good job of it, Obama was able to get lots of money to spend on rewarding his political cronies and turned our country into the United Socialist States of America. Then he hung the problem around the necks of the Republicans like an anchor, even though that practice of making loans on houses to unqualified borrowers with nothing down was started by Jimmy Carter and encouraged and greatly expanded by Bill Clinton.
Now, once again Barack Obama is trying this tactic. Tell everyone the sky will fall on Tuesday, August 2nd. Then tell us the Republicans won't compromise and pass a "reasonable" bill, and the blame is once again placed on them, right??? Wait a minute. The people aren't buying it. They know that this problem will only get worse if we wait to fix it. The public isn't yelling at the Republicans and demanding the compromise. Quite the opposite. They are demanding that the Republicans hold their ground. I love it.
Don't blink Republicans. Hold your ground. End this MessAPolitico NOW.
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