I think it is interesting that the Democrats are accusing the Republicans of playing politics. Somehow, every time a Democrat accuses a rival of anything, it is exactly the thing the Democrat is guilty of doing. Didn't the Democrat political machine all quickly line up the talking points back in September? They all were quick to go on television to tell us the violence was the result of some crummy little YouTube video that few people had even noticed. Our state department even created an apology video that was run on television in the middle east. It never dawned on them that this was the anniversary of the attack on New York City and Washington in 2001.
If the Obama administration, the CIA, and Hillary Clinton are really stupid enough to believe this "hogwash," then why would we elect them to run our country? There are only two possibilities with the administration: they were really stupid or they were lying to the American people. If they were lying, then they must really consider us to be pretty stupid. Of course, they didn't have to worry about the mainstream media; those guys will believe anything the Obama administration tells them. Either the media is too stupid to figure this thing out, or they are complicit in advancing the lie. Are they complicit in the lie, or were they just willing to perpetuate it to assist in the cover up.
The cover up went very deep. The video maker was exposed to the world, and he was arrested. We can't allow freedom of speech to anyone that would dare say anything politically incorrect. If the video was the cause of a protest that turned into an attack, was it justification to commit murder? The attack didn't happen at the California home of the video maker. Four Americans were killed that had nothing to do with the video. They probably hadn't even seen it. (For that matter, I doubt that the embassy attackers had either.) But, of course, America is to blame. America is always at fault when something bad happens.
So, why did there need to be a cover up at all? It was just politics. Politics that created a MessAPolitico. Politics that didn't take the proper response to the attack. Politics that lied and tried to say the attack was something it wasn't. Politics that saved Obama's skin in the election last fall. Yes, the Democrats put politics ahead of principle.
I would argue that they could have easily responded several ways that would have been much better, and they would have still won the election. What were the options that were not chosen:
- They could have beefed up security at this embassy when it was requested by the diplomatic team there.
- They could have beefed up security in all embassies around the world on September 11th, especially in countries with a heavy Islamic population.
- This Benghazi embassy could have been closed due to security risks - like other countries had done.
- Support forces and resources could have been placed in the area on aircraft carriers or elsewhere in case they were needed on September 11th.
- When Washington heard about the attack, an immediate response could have been launched -- special forces, air support, you name it. Even if they arrived late, we would have done the best we could to protect our embassy personnel.
- After the attack, a military contingent should have come in and secured the crime scene, and we should have demanded justice. It should have been made clear that the perpetrators must be brought to justice, or Libya would be facing a severe military response.
- When the Congressional commission was created to investigate the Benghazi incident, the state department, the military, the CIA, and the Obama administration could have cooperated fully. They didn't. In fact, many of the "whistle blowers" that have come forward in the past few days have said that they were told to avoid answering questions and to not cooperate. You have to ask yourself why.
This is a MessAPolitico that wouldn't have even happened if it wasn't for politics. Imagine that. Politics is a nasty game. Politics is nothing but a politically correct word to describe lying and corruption. Dress up a turd and tell everyone it's a candy bar. Say it over and over until they believe it. Eventually someone notices a bad smell. A MessAPolitico always stinks.
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