Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Monday, May 27, 2013

My New Insurance Company: The IRS

Chief Justice John Roberts set the stage when he declared that Obamacare was constitutional because it was a tax.  It is, in fact, a very complex new tax that is administered by the Internal Revenue Service.  It's 20,000+ pages have been shown stacked up 7 feet tall beside numerous Republicans.  I'm not sure how tall the rest of the tax code would be if it was stacked up, but I'm guessing it's pretty tall as well.

We could save a bunch of dollars if there was a fair tax or flat tax and, of course, if Obamacare was repealed.  With one of these simple tax codes, there would be no need for an IRS.  That's right, we could do without an IRS.  The agency has budgeted $13,114,881,000 for fiscal year 2013, and that's over $13 billion that could be saved with a more sensible tax code.  That would be a tax code with the simple goal of funding the federal government activities.  Not a tax code designed to punish people for success.  Not a tax code that rewards people for lack of drive or ambition.  Not a tax code that encourages us to spend our money in the way the politicians have deemed appropriate.  Not a tax code used to buy votes in the next election.

With a sensible tax code we wouldn't need to file any complex returns either.  I don't know about you, but I waste quite a few hours every winter pulling together my records and using tax preparation software to complete tax returns for everyone in my family.  I do the returns for the federal and state governments.  They are ridiculously complex.  This process is the source of our fears with regard to the IRS, and it intimidates us.  I can't imagine how bad it would be if I wasn't around to take care of the return for my wife.  She has no understanding of the process and would be lost without my help.  She is not alone.
Why would anyone in their right mind want to have the IRS, or any government entity, in charge of their healthcare?  If you have a dispute with a healthcare provider or a private insurance company, you can sue them.  How do you think that will turn out when the IRS is your insurer?  What will you do when some bureaucrat decides that the taxpayers don't have enough money to pay for everything, and you're too old to get that heart bypass?  After all, you probably wouldn't live more than ten more years anyway.  And retired people aren't paying taxes anymore.  If you're kept alive, the federal government will have to pay for more procedures and a nursing home and your Social Security payments for more and more years.  The federal government could save a boat load of money by letting you die.

Isn't Obamacare a giant conflict of interest?  The same folks that have to pay you from the time you retire until you die are in charge of keeping you alive longer.  Does anybody besides me see the problem?  Somebody please comment and tell me how I have this all wrong.  Is it a MessAPolitico, or am I just an Obama hating Republican redneck?

What if the IRS decides that my politics aren't right?  What if they find out that I have been to some Tea Party meetings?  Will they decide to delay my healthcare payments and approvals?  What if my cancer treatments are delayed for several years while they investigate my politics?  Will I survive?  Can I afford to pay the hundreds of thousands of dollars out of my pocket while the MessAPolitico churns?

Why didn't the Republicans run advertisements before the last election over and over and over saying that they would repeal Obamacare?  Why was this issue allowed to be pushed to the side last November?  60% of Americans say they want Obamacare repealed, but somehow Barack Obama won the presidential election.  The democrats still have control of the Senate.  Why?

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