I've heard a lot of complaining from politicians about how our lives would end when the government shutdown happened on October 1st. That's the same thing they said would happen when the "sequester" kicked in. I don't know about you, but I can't tell the difference. The ones that are telling us how essential every facet of the federal government is to our daily lives, have been trying very hard to make this painful. Still, I'm just not feeling it.
I heard that Michelle Obama had to quit "tweeting" because of the shutdown. Isn't Twitter free? And, by the way, who cares? The national parks and museums were shutdown. Awww. Some folks will have to go somewhere else on vacation. The EPA is almost completely shut down. Why can't we shut that all the way off? Congress won't be getting their toilets cleaned either. Maybe they'll be more full of crap than usual. Is that even possible? Isn't it sad that the elevator attendant will not be there to press the buttons for our members of Congress. I guess they'll have to figure out what floor their offices are on and figure out how the buttons work with no expert assistance. Some of them may not even be qualified to operate an elevator, because they probably passed a regulation requiring operation by trained, union members only.
Doesn't it just gall you to hear these stories? The liberal politicians oppose fixing our horrendous budget and debt problems, so they are looking for ways to make every cut seem as bad as possible. Any little petty difficulty they can create will be done. These folks just love it when the press finds a group of girl scouts that couldn't visit the capitol building, and it can be blamed on those Republicans that think they should get their way.
Up until now, Obama and the Democrats have gotten 100% of everything they have wanted. The Republicans just laid down, and the liberal steam roller flattened them. Now, the Democrats have decided that it is wrong and totally unreasonable for the Republicans to expect to get anything they want. In fact, it's considered uncivilized for them to even try to get anything for the folks that elected them.
Obama won the election, and now we get everything we want. Naa Na Na Na Naa. The American people have spoken, and all of them wanted all of the Obama agenda to completely come to pass. The Democrats always liked to look at popular vote totals when Bush won elections, and it seems to me that Hillary might have said that we need an amendment to eliminate the Electoral College system for presidential elections. So, let's look at the popular vote in the last election. Barely 50% of the American people voted for or agree with Obama. If you look at polls, about 60% of us DO NOT want Obamacare. Those mean old Republicans are simply doing what we elected them to do -- represent us. I just hope they hold out until we get something we want for a change.
The MessAPolitico must be stopped. I'm willing to leave this thing shutdown as long as it takes. At what point do we decide to make some of these shutdowns permanent? 100's of billions of dollars could be eliminated if we shutdown all of the non-essential government programs and departments. Leave it shutdown long enough to make the American people realize how we don't need to spend trillions to keep our lives intact.
It also galls me to hear that most of the furloughed federal employees will get back pay after this thing is eventually resolved. Some of them that live paycheck to paycheck will endure a short time of hardship, but in the end, this will be nothing but extra paid vacation days. The rest of us in the real world wouldn't get paid for time off if we were called back from a layoff. In fact, most of us would never get called back from layoff at all. And a business that is forced to lay people off when the economy turns down, won't try to make things difficult for their customers or whine. They will do everything in their power to maintain service levels and keep the customer happy.
When the economy turns down, tax revenues drop similarly to sales revenues in a business. Under these circumstances, the business will begin cutting costs. They will cut back on business travel or eliminate the employee picnic or Christmas party. The overtime would be eliminated, and some employees might be asked to take a week or two off without pay. How do these actions compare with our government? Well, the government will start spending like crazy to "get us out of the recession" or to "prevent another great depression." The feds will just run up the debt or print money and keep on expanding.
I'm thrilled that the Republicans are taking some action to check the liberal policies that are keeping us in this lingering recession. Please, please, just hang in there. Stay the course. End this MessAPolitico before it's too late.
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