From time to time, I participate on discussion boards online. I've noticed that the responses of disagreement to folks can be pretty nasty. The conservatives tend to call the liberals socialists or communists. Several days ago, I made a simple comment that I had written my Senator after he voted to fund Obamacare, and I had told this Senator that I would vote against him in the primary. I had written and warned all of my representatives in the House and Senate that anyone voting to fund the PPACA would never get my vote again.
A couple of people responded to my comment and suggested that I was a fascist and that I should move to Mexico. Now a fascist is a person, more specifically a leader, that is so far to the right that they are almost back to the extreme far left position. Facism is marked by a totalitarian government that forces it's right-wing ideology on the people. My point of view is not that I want to force anything on anyone. Quite to the contrary, I see Obamacare and other left-wing rules and policies being forced upon me.
Those of us in America that want our health care and our freedoms left alone are not practicing fascism. In fact, it is the will of the liberal elitists in this country to force their brand of socialized health care down our throats. Most Americans would be far more receptive to an expansion of Medicaid that provides better options for the poor. However, we don't want the politicians to force us to change our medical insurance in the process. Let's face a couple of facts with Obamacare. Firstly, my health insurance premiums will go up by about 82% in 2014. My insurer has told me so. Secondly, providing me and my family with health care under this insurance plan will not cost the insurance company any more next year. However, that extra $550/month will be used to pay for the health care of others, not in my family and not covered under my individual plan.
I'm certainly not against charity. I give money at church every month. However, I don't like being told by the government that I have to give what they say I will give to whom they say I will give it. There are too many people that put forth no effort at finding employment. I saw a YouTube video several days ago showing an unmarried woman with 15 children and a boyfriend that was in jail. She wanted to know who was going to pay for her children. She obviously thought they were someone else's financial responsibility. Although I feel sorry for the kids, I just don't understand how she deserves any sympathy or tax dollars.
This is the MessAPolitico we are in, and I don't really see the people electing politicians that have the stomach to fix it. We need drastic actions in Washington to turn this thing around. The wimpy little actions like the sequester, just won't get it done. We may be past the tipping point politically. Not economically yet, but the politics are such that we won't even slow down the progression toward the tipping point. This is a grim statement, but unfortunately, I think it is a realistic one.
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