Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Let's Make it Simple - Give the Government Access to Everything

According to the Democrats, America wants Obamacare.  They know this because Barack Obama was re-elected.  They have a point.  At least 50% of us must want Obamacare, or we would have voted for a presidential candidate that would repeal it.

All that being said, we are apparently willing to turn over control of this important part of our lives to the federal government.  If it's going to happen, then we might as well do it right.  So everyone should turn over every bit of information about themselves to the federal government.  Since they are providing health care, at least in part, for the poor and lower middle classes, the government is going to want to tell you how to live your life.  They won't want you taking risks.

Do you like rock climbing or sky diving or base jumping?  That might be frowned upon by your health care provider.  What about auto racing?  Do you ever drive above the speed limit?  Maybe the government should install a GPS and speed tracker that will let them know if you drive too fast.  Do you drink too much alcohol?  Are you a smoker?  Do you eat too much beef?  Are hot wings one of your favorite foods?  Have you bought your monthly quota of cookies already at the grocery store?  I hope you don't like fast food.  Are you a gun owner?  Watch out, they may be coming for your guns.

Is your family using too much electricity, natural gas, or gasoline?  Do you meet the green standards for each American?  Don't worry, there's a bureaucrat that will tell you how much you can use.  They could automatically control your thermostat remotely.  The technology certainly exists.  They know what temperature is right for you.  How would you like having the thermostat set to 67 degrees in winter.  Maybe 77 degrees is cool enough in summer.  People didn't even have air conditioning that much in the 1940's and 1950's.  If they could live without it back then, we can survive without it today.  Maybe you should hang the clothes on a line to dry; you don't need that dryer.

You know, today the retailers can get information about your purchasing habits from credit card activity and rewards programs.  Maybe the government needs to issue each of us a social security card with a magnetic strip on the back.  It could be used to monitor all of your purchases if retailers are required to scan it every time you buy something.  The EPA and Health and Human Services will be able to figure out if you owe a penalty for violating the government imposed standards.  If your home is bigger than average, maybe you could take in a homeless person or family.  I'm sure you can afford to feed them and clothe them too.

Does this all sound crazy?  Yes, it does.  It's not something that will happen overnight.  It's something that will come about one step at a time.  Once you figure out that America isn't a free country anymore, it will be too late.  Vote for freedom.  Vote for candidates that will support the constitution, not the MessAPolitico.

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