Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Republicans Headed for Irrelevance

I am sorry to say that this headline is coming true before our eyes.  Their are some Tea Party Republicans that are certainly relevant, but the establishment Republicans that are running the party are not.  These Republicans get re-elected over and over, just like the establishment Democrats.  The voters see them as the lesser of two evils.  More and more, I see them as nothing but the same evil in a different package.  This package says "I'm conservative," but it votes and acts like a liberal.  They are too afraid to shake things up much, and they cower around the halls of Washington in fear of the media and their buddies in the Democrat party.

I have always seen a conservative or libertarian third party as nothing but a help to the Democrats in getting elected.  Now, I can see that voting third party against an establishment "RINO" as a necessary evil.  If there isn't a strong enough Tea Party challenger in the Republican primary, then why even show up to vote in the general election?  Does it really matter whether you vote Democrat or "RINO?"  I'm afraid not.  When I see discussion boards where liberals are singing the praises of John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, how can I see that as a reason to vote for their kind in the next election?  I'm casting my votes in hopes of electing someone that will represent my point of view and ideology in Washington, not that of the liberals.

Unfortunately, I believe this recent government "shutdown" was an orchestrated show by the Republicans.  They knew they could hold out a couple of weeks and then let the big liberal machine run over them.  Their goal isn't to stop Obamacare.  They very simply want to say they want it stopped.  Hopefully, implementation of Obamacare will be traumatic for the people, and a good recession to end Obama's second term would be very helpful to the Republican election cause.  With a result like that, the Republicans would expect to take back both the White House and the Senate!

This is a sorry state of MessAPolitico that we are in today.  We the people have created it.  We are the ones that re-elected these folks over and over until they believe now that we want the MessAPolitico.  I don't want my Congressional leaders doing what is best for them.  I want them to do what is best for our country and tell the truth about all situations we are facing.  That's what it will take to restore my faith in our American government.

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