Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Obama Won the Election - You Guys Lost

After the past two presidential elections, Obama and the Democrats have been saying this to the Republicans:  you guys lost and we won so you have to pass our agenda.  I guess they've really been saying this to the conservatives and libertarians out there as well.  Is this the way our government is supposed to work?  And, did they win everything?  No.  They lost control of the House of Representatives.

This was what the founding fathers had planned for America when they wrote the Constitution.  The House has a view that is in opposition to the Senate and the White House.  In that case, the Republicans won and the Democrats lost.  That means that nothing gets done without real compromise that allows both sides to accomplish part of their agenda.  The House says we will put these items in the budget that the President and the Senate want, but there are a few things the House needs to get in return.

Let's face it; the Democrats are more skilled politicians than the Republicans.  When the Republicans had control of the House, the Senate, and the White House, the Democrats were crying foul unless real compromise was reached.  George W. Bush reached across the aisle on a number of occasions and supported some more liberal policies.  The first one that comes to mind is the Medicare prescription drug plan.

By contrast, when Obama came into power he didn't see the need to compromise at all.  He believes that an election is a referendum or maybe even a mandate issued by the American people that says everything he wants must be passed.  Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi are more than willing to use their liberal media to run rough shod over the Republicans every time an issue is contentious.  They don't try to compromise, but in fact, they are continually resorting to name calling or giving speeches where they accuse Republicans of being racist, greedy, self-serving S.O.B.'s.

This has created a MessAPolitico in America.  Of course, the Republicans didn't do much to help themselves as they have run home with their tails between their legs.  It seems that the Republicans in the House should stand up and remind the President that he will be needing funding for his pet programs or he will be up against the debt ceiling again at some point.  The Speaker of the House needs to fight back against the Democratic dirty pool using the power that resides in the House of Representatives.  It might go something like this:  President Obama, we don't appreciate your insults, false accusations, and lies about us.  If you want to get anything you want out of the House of Representatives, maybe you need to take a more conciliatory tone.  Majority Leader Reid, if you want us to send over a bill raising the debt ceiling, then you're going to have to bring up those jobs bills we sent to you for a vote.  Maybe the Senators need to be put on record voting for or against the repeal of Obamacare too.

The Republicans are just confused about the difference between the media and their constituents.  They are so worried that the media will show them in a bad light.  The thing the MessAPolitico just doesn't get is that the conservative base cheers when the liberal media says the Republicans did something bad.  Until the Republicans and the Democrats both learn who they work for, America will continue to give them lower and lower ratings in opinion polls.  There seems to be a smoldering anger in most of the country these days, and I hope that the primaries will bring this to a raging firestorm.  Please go out and take back America at the polls.

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