The trial is underway in Fort Hood. This whole incident is a MessAPolitico. It was caused by a MessAPolitico. There was evidence that Major Nidal Hasan was dangerous before the incident. Intelligence services were spying on the radical imam, Anwar al-Awlaki, and found an email exchange with Major Hasan. Also, Hasan's co-workers noted that his behavior was increasingly odd, and he seemed to be becoming pro-islamist. Hasan even carried business cards with the initials S.O.A., which is believed to stand for "Soldier of Allah." No action was taken though because no one wanted to appear insensitive to his Muslim faith. It certainly would not be politically correct to accuse a Muslim of anything. So, Major Hasan was allowed to go ahead and act on his radical Muslim beliefs and commit an act of terrorism at a US military base.
This act was followed up with the next MessAPolitico. The government declared that this was not an act of terrorism, but just an act of workplace violence. It couldn't be terrorism, because the war on terrorism has ended. It couldn't be terrorism committed on one of our military bases by a service member. Even though multiple witnesses confirmed that Major Hasan was yelling "Allahu Akbar" while shooting the gun, it couldn't have been terrorism. This phrase is used in many different situations by Muslims, including during prayers. It is often translated to English as "God is Great", although it actually translates more literally to "Allah is Greater." It is often shouted by Muslims who are engaged in a Jihadist battle. I guess the MessAPolitico doesn't see this as terrorism though; it's not that much different than a disgruntled co-worker that shoots you and your co-workers after he is fired.
Now, since these folks who were killed or injured in the incident were simply sitting down to eat in the mess hall, it was not considered combat. Since this wasn't an attack by the enemy, they, and their families, are denied the benefits normally afforded after injury or death in a combat situation. That is a real travesty. If this was a normal workplace instead of a government facility, the corporation that owned the place would be sued, because they didn't provide proper security for the workers. The lawyers would be lining up to file suit and make a big payday after they found out that the corporation had prior warnings that the shooter could be dangerous, and they did nothing to stop him.
Political correctness has rendered law enforcement ineffective and useless. We can't make a judgement that certain people are more likely to commit a crime. Our law enforcement can't focus their efforts on the most likely groups. They must spread the resources around and watch everyone. This sort of thing creates a MessAPolitico like the NSA scandal. They must collect data on everyone or be accused of targeting certain races or religions. Even though we haven't heard of terrorism committed by Catholics or Methodists or Baptists or even Atheists for a very long time, we must gather up their telephone and Internet data to keep from offending Muslims.
It's time we focus our limited resources on the groups most likely to commit acts of terrorism. Then, maybe we could stop these acts before they happen. Maybe we would have stopped the Boston Marathon bombing without the distraction of political correctness. I think it's time to quit worrying about offending Muslims and try to stop offending average Americans. If the Muslims don't want this kind of scrutiny, then maybe they should clean up their ranks.
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