Are we ready to play "hide the WMD" with the Assad regime in Syria? Didn't we do this before when we took that corroborated, incontestable evidence and attacked Saddam Hussein? After a costly war, every stone was turned over, but no WMD's were ever found in Iraq. Some people believe the WMD's were moved out of the country, and Syria was mentioned as a good place for them to go. Others, like Barack Hussein Obama, said that George W. Bush was a liar. He had a vendetta against Saddam Hussein and needed an excuse to go after Iraq. Maybe it was the oil that Bush wanted to bring home to his rich oilman buddies. I guess a bunch of Kurds just fell over dead one day. There weren't any chemical weapons in Iraq.
So, if Barack Obama sends us down this road again, will he get hammered when the WMD's don't turn up? Will he and Secretary of State Kerry be accused of lying? Are they lying? Are we as sure that chemical weapons were used in Syria as we are about man-made global warming? The recent history of this administration says they will lie to save their skins. Are they creating a diversion to take the focus off of all those scandals that seem to be breaking out all across the administration? Do we need a reason to keep the NSA watching over us, because the world is dangerous? I still don't believe the big emergency was real that closed down so many embassies in the middle east recently.
Is America the world's police force? Should America get involved in the Syrian civil war? What do we stand to gain? Which side has the good guys? Isn't this a war between the bad guys and the worse guys? Assad is being called a child murderer by Kerry this week. The opposition is said to be supported by Al Qaeda. Which one is good for America or Syria or Israel or anyone? Right now, at least they are fighting each other. I'm sure that Israel is happy to have them occupied with fighting each other. The things happening to the people of Syria are sad and tragic. It isn't unlike a lot of other places around the world.
By issuing his edict last year, Obama has backed himself and us into a corner. Our credibility and power in the world are shot. He has to do something that none of us wants. We could arm and support the rebels, but what if they are Al Qaeda? We could lob some cruise missiles over there and do nothing substantial. How about using our Air Force to take decisive action and destroy the military capabilities of Syria? What if a few of our planes get shot down in the process? What if we accidentally kill some civilians? What if this war lasts a long time. We can't afford a war or anything else.
This whole thing just looks like another Obama MessAPolitico. Please God, give this man enough wisdom to get us out of this MessAPolitico before it goes any further. And please deliver these poor people from the MessAPolitico that they live with everyday.
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