Should the House of Representatives defund Obamacare? Absolutely. Some of the Republicans are afraid to do it. Oh no, the American people might blame them for a government shutdown. Hey Republicans, when are you going to realize that the people that would blame you for these things don't vote for you. They will never vote for you. They will always blame you for everything.
The problem you should be worried about is whether folks like me can see a difference between Republicans and Democrats. Too many conservatives stay at home on election day for exactly this reason. Obama didn't win because a lot of conservatives voted for him; he won because so many conservatives didn't vote for the Republican candidate.
I'm sick and tired of votes in the House for bills that have no chance of even getting a vote in the Senate. When you pass a bill to repeal Obamacare, it might get passed by the Senate if it was brought up for a vote, but the president would surely veto it. Harry Reid will continue to protect the Democratic senators by not making them choose whether to support the party line or go against the will of their constituents. Forget the symbolism Republicans; we want substance and results.
The House does control the purse strings in our federal government. If your local Representative refuses to vote for funding for Obamacare, it will be stopped dead. Obama will use the media to place the blame on Republicans if he shuts down the government by refusing to sign the budget. You Republicans need to realize that I will applaud you when the government is successfully shut down. I am not alone. I want this government stopped. I don't want the government to accomplish anything further toward implementing its current agenda.
The Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi regime has created a massive MessAPolitico. It would be great if conservative and libertarian politicians could do something positive and get policies we want passed. However, I would settle for just stopping the MessAPolitico. If shutting down the entire federal government is what it takes, then I'm all for it. It's time for Republicans to quit worrying about protecting their political careers and begin representing us in Washington. (By the way, the best way to protect your political career is to represent our desires in Congress.)
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