The first section of Article I of the Constitution says: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives." So how can all of these endless regulations and orders emanate from the Executive branch of the federal government? How can our President threaten to invoke whatever he wants into law by executive order or a new regulation issued by one of the agencies of the executive branch? If you read Article I, how can you say that these things aren't unconstitutional?
When a new President is sworn into office, they take this oath of office: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." It seems that President Obama has violated this oath every time he makes a law under the guise of a regulation or executive order.
Why would Congress simply abdicate this responsibility that they have been charged with to the President or anyone else? We elected THEM to represent our views. By relegating this to anyone else, they lose control of what happens. We, the electorate, should hold them responsible for these things that are done against our will. If the Congress refuses to take action against other departments of the government that are encroaching on their legislative duties, then they have given this power away willingly. We expect them to do the job of representing the people in legislating. Somehow they believe that they can blame the executive branch or the EPA or the Department of Labor or some other government entity when they issue an unpopular regulation. In my mind, this is dereliction of duty, and the Congress is fully to blame for anything that happens as a result. We can't let them off the hook.
We've got to stop this MessAPolitico. I can't say that we should stop it before any damage is done. Damage has already been done and is continuing to be done. In fact, the pace of harmful rule and regulation creation has been increasing. Mark Levin has a new book, The Liberty Amendments. He is advocating that the states need to call for amendments to our Constitution. These amendments will reassert the original intent of the Constitution. This is absolutely needed. If we're waiting on the President or Congress to fix this MessAPolitico, it will never happen. All three branches of our government need to be reigned in by the Constitution before America is fully and completely destroyed.
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