I was pleasantly surprised and cautiously optimistic when I heard that the house has passed a continuing resolution that doesn't fund Obamacare. I honestly thought they would back down without any fight whatsoever. They have listened to their constituents. There's only one problem -- the Senate. I hear that they won't pass this CR. It's time that everyone that wants to stop Obamacare calls his or her Senators and House member. TELL THEM THAT THEY WILL LOSE THE NEXT ELECTION IF THEY VOTE AGAINST A CONTINUING RESOLUTION THAT DE-FUNDS OBAMACARE. TELL THEM THAT VOTING FOR ANY FUNDING OF OBAMACARE WILL GUARANTEE THE END OF THEIR POLITICAL CAREER AT THE NEXT ELECTION.
I'm ready for the House to stand their ground. Tell them to shut down the government if that's the only way to stop the PPACA. Remember how bad the sequester was? Did you notice the cuts? Don't give in -- ever!
Our federal budget can't take the high cost of Obamacare. Our personal budgets can't take the 80% increase in premiums for health insurance starting in 2014. The US economy can't survive the recession that will happen when all the money being sucked up by high insurance premiums is removed from the rest of the economy. When more manufacturing jobs move out of the USA with the high cost of benefits, high taxes, and expensive regulations, this recession will kick back in harder than ever. When the brilliant financial minds in the Obama regime finally quit propping up the economy with "quantitative easing," the stock market will be devastated. The coming inflation will be curbed by drastically raising interest rates, and that will kill the capital markets and any industries that live on credit purchases. That would include homes and cars.
Call or write your legislators and tell them that their political futures depend on the proper votes to kill Obamacare. Don't fear the press or the MessAPolitical leadership. Fear me, a conservative that might not be able to see the difference between a Republican and a Democrat. Protect my freedom. Don't make this the former Land of the Free.
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