I used to be opposed to term limits for Congress. I thought the desire to be re-elected would encourage our members of Congress to faithfully represent our views in Washington. It seems that the legislators have taken different steps to get re-elected over and over. For some reason, they don't look at a law on its merits or consider whether it will have a positive or negative effect on their constituents. Instead, they look at how their vote will likely be portrayed by the media. How will their legislative actions make them look to the constituents?
Of course, the media plays a very significant role in this MessAPolitico. They have the power to shape the opinions of the uninformed voters in America. If the media tells the folks that something is good for them, they believe it. If the media says it is bad for the average American, the folks believe that too. If saying that the media creates "belief" is a little too strong, they create doubt at the very least. Politicians then govern using the results of polls.
If politicians couldn't make a career of public service and politics, then maybe re-election wouldn't be so crucial to them. This is the main argument for instituting term limits. I'm all for them. I think we should elect folks that have a career to which they can return after serving a term or two. Yes, today I am supporting a constitutional amendment that limits the length of service in Congress. I want our legislators to do what is right and good for America, and if that causes them to lose the next election, so be it. They can just go home and re-assume their previous position.
What do we do about the media? We have Fox News and talk radio. We have alternative media on-line. Of course, these outlets just don't reach the majority of Americans. Why don't we have entrepreneurs that are ready to start new media outlets in the traditional areas, like a major newspaper. When I was growing up, every large city had at least two newspapers. One had a liberal editorial bent, while the other was conservative leaning. Why can't we have a "fair and balanced" newspaper that reaches a national audience? How about one of the network news organizations taking up a noticeable effort at providing facts with no political agenda in their reporting? Doing this could bring their ratings up drastically as they pursue a market niche that is currently not totally fulfilled.
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