Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hillary Clinton, the "Inevitable" Candidate

Is Hillary Clinton "destined" to win the Democratic nomination for President in 2016?  If so, can the Republicans select a candidate that can beat her?  These are some serious questions.  Are the Clintons the darlings of the Democratic party and the liberal voters?  It seems so.

There was a time when Hillary was called the most polarizing candidate in America.  Everyone seemed to either love her or hate her as a candidate.  Let's face it, she's not that lovable or endearing.  Hillary is a feminist that views women who choose to stay home and raise a family as pretty worthless.  Remember her book that famously said "it takes a village to raise a child."  Still, many women see her as a female crusader of sorts.  Others see her as a victim with a philandering husband.

There are a lot of things about Hillary Clinton that scare me.  I just don't get the love and adoration.  What has she ever done to qualify her to be President?  What political offices has Hillary held?  She was a Senator from New York.  What pieces of legislation were written or proposed or even promoted by Hillary Clinton.

Hillary was the Secretary of State for Obama's first term.  What treaties did she negotiate and get ratified?  What was the biggest diplomatic accomplishment of her time in the State department?  I can't think of a single accomplishment during that period.  The only thing I remember from her time in charge of this vital department is the Benghazi attack.  My take away is that Hillary ignored the suggestions and requests from the field and left these folks out there in a dangerous place on their own.  Maybe the President told her that committing the resources to protect our embassies and consulates would send a message that contradicted his narrative.  If so, a real leader would have pressed the President and explained the dangers to his re-election if the threats were ignored.  She didn't do that.  Hillary Clinton is not a leader.  She is too weak to be President.

When you elect a person President because of his or her race or gender rather than experience, qualifications, and leadership, you end up with Barack Obama.  There are African-Americans that are capable of executing the office of President of the United States, but Barack Obama isn't one of them.  America are you going to do that again?  There are women that are qualified and capable to run this country.  I don't believe that Hillary Clinton is one of them.  If America is tired of establishment party politics, how can you consider another Clinton.  If you don't like Obamacare, is Hillary Clinton the cure?

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