Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Obama vs. O'Reilly

It's been a week since the President gave Bill O'Reilly the chance for a quick interview.  There were some big subjects covered, including the Affordable Care Act, the attack on our consulate in Benghazi, and the IRS targeting scandal.

President Obama said that the problems with the computer systems were fixed about a month and a half into the roll out of the Affordable Care Act.  Do you believe that?  O'Reilly brought up a poll conducted by the Associated Press recently that showed that only about 8% of people using the website today believe that it is "working well."  He asked the President why Kathleen Sebelius hadn't been fired because of all the problems.  Obama dodged that question by saying that "my main priority right now is making sure that it delivers for the American people."  Really?  The only thing it has delivered so far is a bunch of health insurance cancellations, higher premiums, lost access to the doctors we like, the 29 hour work week, etc. etc.

O'Reilly asked the President about the first conversation he had with Leon Panetta as the Benghazi attack was in full swing.  He asked if the attack was called terrorism.  The President pooh poohed the question.  He even said "an act of terror . . . is how I characterized it the day after it happened.  Anybody would know that an attack on our consulate was terrorism.  So O'Reilly mentioned that Susan Rice was out there for days saying that it was a spontaneous demonstration about a YouTube video.  Susan Rice and others in the administration including Hillary Clinton continued this diatribe for quite a few days after the attack.  In fact, they continued with this story until after the election was over.  The campaign had been saying that the war on terror was over.  They said that the death of Osama Bin Laden had effectively shut down Al Qaeda.  It almost sounded like Obama was the guy who pulled the trigger when Bin Laden was shot.  This little Benghazi incident would have been a seriously inconvenient truth at the end of the election cycle.

The President said that there was not even a smidgen of corruption at the IRS.  The whole problem was caused by the ambiguous and confusing nature of the law that governs the tax exempt 501C organizations.  Was that the real problem, or was that the opportunity?  If the law had been really clear and straight-forward, it would have been impossible to delay and postpone and stop the conservative groups from being granted the tax exempt status by the IRS.  If the law was more understandable in its explanation of the intent, would the liberal groups have received their tax exempt status?  It seems like the complexity of laws is convenient for lawyers and law makers.  They can take the statutes and bend them into any shape they want.

Of course, the big tough President Obama is never wrong.  He will never admit to a mistake.  He will never relieve a member of his administration from their duties regardless of the level of their incompetence.  His answer on the IRS scandal and the murderous act of terrorism in Benghazi was that these were trumped up stories.  These incidents wouldn't have been noticed at all if were not for the Fox News channel and guys like Bill O'Reilly working conservatives up into a frenzy.  None of the problems in the Barack Obama presidency are real; they are merely lies promoted by the evil conservative media at Fox News.  The Fox News channel is a mouth piece for the Republican party that isn't a real news organization like CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS.

President Obama, I'm certain that your supporters will believe every word you and your MessAPolitico have said.  They are likely cheering the way you put O'Reilly and Fox News in their places.  Did you win anyone over to your point of view?  Not likely.  Did Bill O'Reilly switch anyone from the liberal to conservative point of view?  Probably not.  Hopefully Barack Obama will be seen for what he is.  He is definitely NOT that breath of fresh air he claimed to be before the 2008 election.  He is just another politician whose main goals involve winning an election for himself and his party.

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