Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Why Is There A Debt Ceiling?

I don't know why we don't just repeal the law that sets a debt ceiling.  It doesn't limit anything any more.  It's like having a credit card with a $5000 limit, and when you start to approach the limit, the credit card company raises the limit to $7500.  As soon as you get close to $7500, they raise the limit to $10000.  After a few years, your limit is up to $50000, and your debt is at $48000.  Eventually you won't be able to make the monthly payments, so I guess you'll have to get another credit card to pay for the groceries and the electric bill.

Why did the Republicans roll over and just raise the debt limit enough to get well past the mid-term elections?  It's just the MessAPolitico playing politics.  The Republicans don't want anything taking our attention off of the Obamacare debacle.  They would love for this Democrat problem to stay in the headlines all the way through November.  In fact, they don't like for Obama to delay the various mandates for years into the future.  The Republicans are hoping you will lose your insurance, will have to pay a lot more for insurance, and will lose your doctor.  If the employer mandate was to cause more of us pain, that would suit the Republicans just fine.

You folks that voted for Obama and the Democrats in the Senate are being punished, along with the rest of us.  The Republicans don't want to minimize the pain of Obamacare, because none of them voted for it.  Some folks would say that the Democrats shoved it down the collective throats of America -- that they passed it against the will of their constituents.  If that is true, why was Obama re-elected in 2012?  If that is true, why do Democrats still hold a majority in the Senate?  Enough people decided to stay home on election day or went out and voted to extend the term of the Democrat MessAPolitico, and we have what we have.  The Republicans have given up trying to fight that MessAPolitico and the mainstream media.  They have decided to use their own establishment MessAPolitico to kill Obamacare.  The Republicans are willing to let the entire health care system in America collapse under the weight of Obamacare in hopes of sweeping the mid-term elections.  Of course, Obama will remain in office until after the 2016 elections, so unless there is a veto proof majority in the House and the Senate, Obamacare won't go away until at least then.  Of course, the Republicans don't have a win in the bag yet in 2016.  What if Hillary Clinton wins the election?

It's time to get the establishment politicians sent home.  I don't care if they are Democrats or Republicans.  Politics has grown counterproductive.  It is a serious impediment to the success of the American economy.  Please join me in voting in the upcoming primaries to get the career politicians a new challenge in their lives -- succeeding in the private sector economy that they have created.

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