Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Compact Fluorescents

The MessAPolitico has decided that we all need compact fluorescent light bulbs everywhere.  In fact, they have banned the normal incandescent light bulb.  This is the typical "one-size-fits-all" philosophy that our illustrious government specializes in delivering.  I think fluorescent bulbs are great.  I have them in many places in our home.  The light is pleasantly bright, with less glare than some incandescent bulbs and a more natural white light.  The problem is that these bulbs aren't the best solution for every application.

We all know that fluorescent bulbs require a starter or ballast.  The ballast and the bulb will both wear out if they are turned on and off too frequently.  In your family room where the light is turned on at dusk and stays on until bedtime, a fluorescent bulb should be used to save energy and reduce the monthly electric bill.  However, in a closet where the light stays on for maybe 20 minutes a day, while being turned on and off four or more times daily, a fluorescent makes absolutely no sense.  Of course, when something makes no sense, that makes it the perfect MessAPolitical solution to a problem that doesn't really exist.

An incandescent bulb in a closet or a bathroom or the garage is a great solution.  They use more energy, but these bulbs run so few hours/month that the payback on a more expensive energy saving bulb would be a very long time.  No one could justify buying a CFL bulb for these places, and the frequent short usages lead to premature failure.

Outdoor applications in a front porch light might make sense for the compact fluorescent bulb, but the environment with temperature extremes and moisture are pretty rough on the average CFL bulb.  Maybe an LED bulb would be a better solution there.  If the LED is a good solution, I wouldn't expect the MessAPolitico to jump on it.

Whenever our government sets about fixing some problem a bureaucrat decided exists, they end up causing a problem.  It's the law of unintended consequences that was created just for MessAPolitical action in society.  Washington uses endless rules, regulations, laws, and tax incentives to tell Americans how to live their lives.  These arrogant, self-righteous, egotistical narcissists in Washington and in state capitols across America think they know what is best for each of us.  It's time we let them know what we think of their opinions on how our lives should be run.  Send the incumbents home in the upcoming primaries.  Let's send the next batch of politicians to Washington to represent our views, not to dictate how America should operate.  Remember, they work for us, not the other way around.

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