Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Why Delay the Greatest Bill Ever Passed?

The President continues to delay the health care mandates written into the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  Various groups are exempted from compliance until after the mid-term elections.  If your group wants to be exempted, the group had better support Democrats.  I just don't understand why the Democrats would want to exempt any group or any individual from the terms of the PPACA though.  After all, they've been telling us how much we will like the law after it is enacted.  Maybe they don't want us to be overwhelmed with joy and elation all at once.  Too many folks might want to worship at the feet of our great leader, Barack Hussein Obama II.  I bet he wouldn't be able to play an entire round of golf without being disturbed by some worshippers.

Earlier this week, the House passed a bill by a large majority that would delay the individual mandate until 2015.  They call it the Simple Fairness Act.  It passed 250 - 160, and 27 Democrats voted for it.  Of course, this is window dressing that will help get some Democrats re-elected this fall.  Those Democrats can say that they voted against the unpopular MessAPolitico, but the bill will never be brought up in the Senate.

If there's a law that needs to be written, it is one that would force the Senate to vote on any bill passed by the House and vice versa.  It would be interesting to see what would happen if the Democrats in the Senate were forced to decide between the will of their constituents and the Democratic leadership.  Those Democrats will never have to make a tough choice though.  They have the protection of Harry Reid.  The only way to get these bill an honest up/down vote in the Senate is to change the majority.  I'm hoping that the mid-term elections will find folks upset enough by the PPACA to get a new majority.

Imagine if one of the PPACA repeal votes happened in the Senate and passed.  Of course, Barack Obama would veto the bill, but could his veto be overridden?  I think it is possible.  The Democrats in Congress, or any office for that matter, are running away from Barack Obama.  They are more interested in their own future political aspirations than Obama's.

Of course, this is the way a representative republic is supposed to work.  These politicians are supposed to represent our views in Washington, not tow the party line.  It's our job as Americans to throw the bums out when they don't represent our views.  That's why our government is elected.  It's also why we have multiple parties and independents to choose from on election day.  How did we end up with this MessAPolitico?  The American voters have made the election a popularity contest.  We also let the media control what we think and what we know.  The media can take any opposing candidate that looks strong and marginalize them.  If the media finds any dirt, the opposing candidate will be destroyed.  On the other hand, bad stuff that America needs to know about the candidates that the media supports gets ignored.

Please join me and never watch the mainstream media again.  Then, help me vote to regain strong, conservative control of the Republican party.  This will have to be done in the primaries.  Elect the Tea Party Libertarians in the congressional primaries coming up, and we can stop the MessAPolitico once and for all.

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