Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Democrat Global Warming Smoke Screen

A few Democrats in the Senate stayed up all night Monday to "wake up" Congress to the evils of climate change.  Only thirty of the fifty three Democrats in the Senate participated in this Climate Action Task Force event.  When the MessAPolitico is bloviating, listen carefully to what they say.  The Republicans were labeled "climate change deniers."  We were told by these Democrats that there is "overwhelming scientific consensus that climate change is occurring, is caused primarily by humans, and will have serious impacts if unchecked."  Then, one after another, they stepped up to the microphone and said that 97% or 98% or 99% of scientists that study climate change agree.  The doubt is all gone.

Notice what that statement really said.  They didn't say that 98% of all scientists agree on climate change.  The statement said that these climatologists all agree that global warming is real, and man has caused it.  If you think about this, is it surprising?  Why would a person that disagrees with climate change/global warming write a PhD dissertation and spend years in college trying to earn a degree in climatology?  If you did the research and ended up with the opinion that climate change was a big hoax or maybe just bad science, you would be pretty far down the road with your career choice in a field rendered worthless by your research.  Would you tell anyone about the results of your research?  Probably not.

So, we have a bunch of "blow hard" politicians making judgments of a scientific or logical nature.  If there's one thing lacking amongst the MessAPolitico, it's logic.  There's probably enough hot air in Washington to actually cause man-made global warming.

This task force says the science is all settled, and now it's time to take action.  They want to kill the economy, make us all pay a lot more for alternative energy, and put everyone out of work that mines coal, drills for oil or natural gas, or works at a coal-fired power plant.  Why not take an action that really would put folks to work?  Put the people to work planting trees.  Harvest trees to make wood pellets, and use torrefaction to increase the energy density to approximately that of coal.  The wood products can be burned interchangeably with coal to produce electricity, and the carbon dioxide created is offset by the carbon dioxide conversion to oxygen during the growth of the tree.  That would be doing something that really does reduce the carbon dioxide in the environment.  It also provides a use for trees that were formerly grown and harvested for producing paper.  Why can't the MessAPolitico do something positive for a change?

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