Why does "the party" tell the members of congress how to vote? How does "the party" get away with that? Congress works for the constituents -- us! We have the power to fire them when the next election comes around. We also have the power to threaten them with the loss of our votes when they vote against our will. Do you communicate with your representatives and senators? I do. I tell them what I expect before they vote on a bill. I give them my opinion on the issue and the bill that is supposed to address that issue.
I was listening to a lot of facts today about Detroit. Of course, Detroit is bankrupt. It is amazing to hear all of the facts about this once great industrial center. At that time, Detroit was the fourth largest city in America. It had more than 10 times as many manufacturing jobs in those days, and the citizens had the highest per capita income in the country largely because of that manufacturing base. Now Detroit is a crumbling, largely vacant, crime ridden disgrace. It is bankrupt because the politicians spent money they didn't have. When the jobs and the people with high incomes fled the city, the government was unable to adapt. Instead of cutting back on spending as tax revenues declined, the politicians just continued down the road like nothing had changed. That is the definition of a monumental MessAPolitico.
Politicians certainly know how to spend more each year, no matter what. They have no idea how to cut back. If America is going to rebound from this MessAPolitico, it will be done by growing out of the problem. That can still be done, but not with the current bunch that is running Washington and a number of the states and largest cities too. This is my prescription:
- Get this notion out of your head that we are a service economy, and find ways to bring manufacturing back to America
- Our labor rate is relatively high in America, but we have abundant natural resources that make the factors of production cheap here
- We must bring the cost of all forms of energy down by tapping our reserves of coal, natural gas, and oil
- Forget man-made global warming - it is a hoax created by a bunch of disingenuous liberal politicians and scientists that earn a huge living off of corruption and government grants
- Send the wacko tree-huggers back to the forest where they belong, and let them plant trees to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen -- they'll be happy, and we'll have a bunch of beautiful trees to look at and enjoy
- Get the teachers unions and the MessAPolitico out of the education business -- give us school vouchers to save money and improve educational outcomes simultaneously
- Instead of having government run health care for everyone, privatize Medicare and Medicaid -- in other words, get the MessAPolitico out of health care completely by purchasing private health insurance for the poor and the retirees
- Eliminate all government regulations that were issued by executive branch agencies that have no power to legislate under the constitution -- they cost business, and ultimately consumers, too much, they don't fix anything, they cause unforeseen problems, and they cost us jobs
- Eliminate the minimum wage that makes all people that are worth less than minimum wage unemployable
- Gradually cut back on welfare and government assistance until it is eliminated for all but sick and disabled among us -- come to think of it, just end it for everyone and let charities do this work -- get the able bodied people out and working somewhere
- Get rid of most agencies in the federal government because they aren't giving us enough "bang for the buck" -- in fact, they cost a lot of bucks with no bang at all
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