There was a well respected politician from Butler County in southwest Ohio named Michael A. Fox. Mr. Fox held office as a state representative, a Butler County commissioner, and as the county director of children's services. He was so well regarded at one time that Ohio highway 129 was named the Michael Fox Highway. This 12 mile long freeway connecting Hamilton, OH to interstate 75 was renamed the Butler County Veterans Highway in 2004 because of allegations of corruption. In 2009, he was indicted on federal charges that accused him of "abusing his political authority, defrauding the public out of hundreds of thousands of dollars and financially benefiting from county contracts from 2000 to 2008."
In Washington, we have the IRS accused of using its authority to selectively apply tax laws to citizens with certain political leanings. The IRS seems to be unhappy with groups that are trying to reduce the complexities in the tax code with the flat or fair tax. After all, simplifying the tax code would undoubtedly eliminate a lot of jobs at the IRS.
Shortly after Barack Obama was inaugurated president in January 2009 the federal government gave large loans of our tax dollars to General Motors and Chrysler. Our tax dollars were also used to buy stock in these companies to prevent bankruptcy and protect the UAW from participation in a reorganization of these companies by the courts. The Obama regime ended up ousting the General Motors CEO and hand selecting his replacement. For some reason, the federal government then set about closing GM and Chrysler dealerships across the country. I have never understood how closing some outlets of your channel to market makes any positive difference to these auto manufacturers. If these independent dealerships weren't doing well, it was up to them to decide to close their doors. How can the federal government legally close these businesses? They could cancel their dealership authorizations subject to the terms and conditions of the contracts in place, but why would you want fewer outlets selling your products? Some of these dealerships were closed while they were actually profitable. Why? Was this done as punishment for their political contributions and political ideology?
We have politicians willing to drive our country into trillions of dollars of debt to buy votes for their re-election. Politicians are willing to give citizenship to millions of illegal aliens because they believe these new citizens will vote for them. They even give these illegal aliens benefits using our tax dollars (and new excessive government debt) to encourage them to enter our country illegally. The federal government and, more specifically, the department of justice fights any and all efforts to verify voter identities and legal immigration status. They want to keep these illegals in the country, keep the free benefits available to them, and allow them to vote one way or the other. If dead people vote, that's okay, as long as the dead vote the right way. Vote early and vote often for me.
We need term limits to stop this MessAPolitico. With term limits, it would be much harder to be a career politician. We need politicians that must go back to the "real world" after a temporary political stint. Then, these politicians couldn't afford to run our economy into the ground. They would need a job in a few years.
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