America, you have the power to stop this MessAPolitico. I know that certain states are filled with people that feel compelled to vote Democrat. It is a rare election where these folks vote Republican. There are many groups that vote this way as a block at a pace of 80%-90% for Democrats. I also know that Democrats may talk like conservatives in the election season, but in Washington, the Democrat leadership pressures them until they cave in to the Democrat agenda.
All this being said, the people still control the lawmakers' fates. If you don't want Obamacare, but you voted for a Democrat in the last election, you certainly have the power to get what you want. You Democrat voters have the most legitimate case of any American to demand that the person you elected vote your will.
Barack Obama got a slim majority of votes in the 2012 election. However, the American people have answered poll questions over and over saying that they don't want Obamacare. How could the Democrats retain the presidency and control of the Senate, when these entities are standing in the way of the will of the majority of Americans? I don't know the answer to that one. I'll never understand this reality.
No matter why the electorate voted against their own will or, possibly, why they stayed home on election day, we can still deal with this reality. There are elections coming up in 2014. They will happen again in 2016, 2018, and every two years from now until forever. Eventually, all of these politicians will run for re-election, or their parties will put forth a candidate hoping to retain that office. They will need to convince enough Americans that they are worthy of their votes when that election rolls around.
It's time for all Americans to write letters to their Senators, House of Representatives members, and the president. They need to express their feelings about Obamacare or Immigration Reform or any of these controversial laws that are being considered and debated. I personally absolutely oppose Obamacare. The repeal of this law is something extremely important to me. I also want these unilaterally defined government regulations that are strangling our economy stopped, and, consequently, I support the REINS act that was passed in the House, but was never even brought up for a vote in the Senate.
These letters I'm proposing should be written in the strongest possible terms. They should explain to the politician, that getting your vote is contingent on them representing your views. They were elected to represent us. If they don't vote in accordance with your views on the floor in Washington, they must be fired. The Democratic leadership doesn't vote for them, we do. For that matter, the same could be said for the Republican leadership. Many of these issues are of supreme importance to us in our everyday lives. They make a huge difference in our employment, our health care, our cost of energy, etc. If you don't get what you want from the government, don't just accept that as an inevitable reality. Throw the bums out if they don't vote your way. Tell them in correspondence that they need to straighten up and fly right or you will send them packing. Tell them exactly what you want done. If you're like me, tell them to repeal Obamacare or lose the election next time they're up. Tell them to vote to over-ride any veto of a repeal or lose their job. Tell them you will watch their vote, and you won't forget on election day.
Put the politicians in their place. You can do it. Stop this MessAPolitico.
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