Last week, Obama did his big speech at Georgetown University where he issued a formal declaration of war on coal. (Doesn't the president need the consent of Congress to declare war?) The Obama regime really started this war in the run up to the 2008 election, so the speech wasn't a big surprise to anyone paying attention. Can we really replace coal-fired power plants with solar or wind energy? I don't see how.
Currently, most of our power in the United States is produced by nice steady sources like coal, hydro, or nuclear. These sources don't modulate up and down all day long as the sun goes behind a cloud or the wind speed rises and falls. They also work day or night, in heat or in cold. The power produced is well regulated, giving us a very reliable supply that is available for our use almost all of the time. When have you ever gone to turn on a light switch, and the power wasn't there? Can you run the air conditioner or heat pump as much as you want, any time you want? Do you have plenty of hot water for a shower or to wash the dishes? How often is your refrigerator letting your food spoil, because the wind has died down that day?
I think that most people would agree that we have affordable electricity and natural gas in the USA. If Barack Obama wins the war on coal, all of the regular folk in the USA will lose. In fact, the entire world will lose, if you believe his rhetoric about global warming being the most pressing issue facing the planet. We will lose, because the price of electricity will rise significantly by necessity.
Why will the price of electricity rise? It will be for a combination of two reasons. One reason is that a hefty increase in price will be required to reduce demand to the level of supply capacity. Of course, raising the price high enough will make wind and solar more practical financially. Some of that increase in price will cause expensive, alternative energy to replace some of the economical coal-fired power production.
The key that everyone needs to understand here is that the price of electricity will rise significantly. Obama and his DOE and EPA believe that coal-fired power production needs to be stopped and replaced with alternative energy. When you voted for Obama, were you consciously hoping to solve global warming by raising the price of the energy you use? Hey Obama lovers, how do you like that gasoline at double the cost you paid in 2008? If you like that, I'll bet you will love paying double for electricity.
Now for the kicker. When we quit burning so much coal in the power plants in the USA, do you think the coal companies will just close up the mines and go out of business? I think not. No, they will start selling the coal to Mexico or China or anywhere else that didn't declare a war on coal. Do these countries have clean burning technology in their power plants? No. Do these countries give a hoot about clean air, pollution, or global warming? No. Will the CO2 and other pollutants in Earth's atmosphere be reduced? Definitely not. It will increase. Where will the manufacturing in the world be done? Not in the USA.
Who will lose out in this MessAPolitico? All of us in the middle class will. Workers and professionals in the factories will have fewer jobs. Employees of companies that supply goods and services and raw materials to manufacturing plants will also have fewer jobs. Salaries will drop. These employees will earn less and then spend less. The economy will shrink. Profits will shrink. The stock market will drop. Tax revenues will drop. Our socialist regime running the country will insist that we need more stimulus to help these poor people that are being put out of work by the evil capitalists. Government spending certainly won't drop. It may rise, but it will certainly not drop.
The Obama energy policy is a serious MessAPolitico. He believes, or says he believes, that the man made global warming theory is a settled, proven scientific fact. That's the same thing I heard in the 1970's about global cooling caused by soot and other hydrocarbons in the atmosphere blocking the sun's rays. With regard to the Earth, it doesn't need to be saved. The economy is a different story. Stop Obama, or stop the US economy. Stop the MessAPolitico, or end life as we know it in the USA.
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