Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Is Obamacare Alienating Democrat Voters?

I ate dinner last night with a couple of friends that are Democrat voters.  Several years ago they thought my beliefs about Obama were funny.  They didn't believe that Obama could be a socialist.  It was kind of a joke to them that a conservative could believe that Obama is fallible.

It seems that their tune has changed somewhat as they see the effects of Obamacare.  Their insurance premiums will be rising significantly next year.  They also realize that a lot of uninsured people were supposed to benefit by obtaining insurance coverage under Obamacare.  All of the trouble and upheaval we are experiencing has still left significant numbers of these people uninsured, while millions of us will lose coverage.  Many other people are seeing there hours cut back to avoid Obamacare.  Others are having their spouse eliminated from their employer provided coverage.  Most of us are seeing very significant increases in premiums next year.  As it turns out, we're able to keep the coverage we like as long as a government bureaucrat deems it suitable for us.  If the coverage that the bureaucrat believes we really want costs more, then our premiums go up.  I heard a comment from one of my friends referring to the politicians as "a bunch of bone heads."

Are the Democrat voters going to vote for their incumbent Democrat that voted for Obamacare?  Are these Democrat voters seeing the MessAPolitico for what it is now?  Or do these Democrat voters really blame all of the problems on the Republicans in the House?  We will know next November.  Over the coming 12 months, will the Democrats in Congress abandon Obama and force the delay of Obamacare until after the mid-term elections?  I suspect that this will happen.  If it happens, will it save the Democrats political skin?  I don't know.  Hopefully the folks out here in the heartland will realize that health care is far too important to leave in the hands of a bunch of inept bureaucrats.  The roll out of Obamacare has certainly demonstrated that we are governed by a massive and growing MessAPolitico.

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