Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Was All of the Obamacare MessAPolitico Planned?

There has been a massive uproar over the Obamacare rollout.  President Obama has currently got the lowest approval rating of his five years in the White House.  A lot of regular folks are scared to death about everything going on with health care.  Rand Paul was being interviewed last night on Fox News, and he was asked about how well the rollout was working in his home state of Kentucky.  He responded by saying that the ratio of folks losing their healthcare coverage in Kentucky to those signed up for Obamacare coverage was 40:1.  That's right.  7,000 Kentuckians have signed up for Obamacare, while about 280,000 have lost coverage.

With the information coming out of the hearings in Washington, somewhere between 30% and 70% of the work on the back end of the Obamacare website hasn't been done yet.  The president's folks were saying that the website would be finished by the end of November, and now Obama says it will be ready by January 1, 2014.  What do you believe?  I don't think it will be working well enough a year from now to cover everyone that is losing their coverage as of the end of 2013.

There are a lot of Democrats up for election in November 2014, and they are scared to death.  The smarter of these politicians are getting together with the Republicans to offer bills in the House to give their constituents relief.  It's a nice gesture, but I think it is a little too late.  Are the insurance companies just going to reinstate the same old policies that were made unlawful under the PPACA?  Obama told them to do that, but how can it be done?

Of course, Obama is acting like he cares, but I have to wonder if all of this was planned.  Obama doesn't care at all about his approval rating, considering that he will never run for office again.  Obama doesn't really care about the other Democrats either when you get right down to it.  Could it be that the upheaval and turmoil in the health insurance world these days is designed to collapse the system?  I have heard the clandestine recording of Obama speaking to some liberal, socialist group during the 2008 campaign where he said that a "one payer system" was his ultimate goal.  He believed correctly that this goal couldn't be achieved all in one step.  The system must be gradually moved in this direction until it seems like a good idea.  The rollout of Obamacare has been gradual over several years.  Now we have reached the culmination, and suddenly most people are finding Obamacare to be even worse than expected.  Is all of this upheaval going to be blamed on the insurance companies cancelling your coverage?  Are you going to have no choice in the end but to sign up of your "free" coverage?  Is this the Alinsky method of achieving radical change through upheaval?

The voters in the United States voted in Obama to his first term in 2008.  That started a drastic acceleration of the MessAPolitico.  I couldn't believe it happened in 2008, but the 2012 presidential election left me frustrated, disheartened, and is total disbelief.  The Socialist revolution in America has begun, and the people did it to themselves.  The leftist elitists are in command, and their goal is destroy the middle and upper classes.  They were voted in because their message sounds like the wealth will be transferred from the rich to the poor, but that's not quite right.  The wealth is coming from the middle class too, and it's headed to the elitist ruling class.  Their Totalitarian style of "ruling" the USA is destroying us slowly from within, and the MessAPolitico is just the first stage.  It may be too late to stop it, but we've got to try.

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