Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Why Is Congressional Approval So Low?

The spinmeisters in Washington are always trying to guide your thinking.  They think they can tell you why you don't like Congress.  I've heard and seen numerous reports saying that the Republicans, and especially those radical Tea Party Republicans, have made everyone mad.  They shut down the government and cost us millions of dollars.  We're mad, because these radicals want to cut Social Security.  They don't want to pay for the bills for the stuff that Congress has passed.

Spinmeisters, please let me tell you that you're wrong.  A few liberals and socialists may feel that way, but the average American out there does NOT.  We are all sick and tired of the Washington establishment on both sides spending OUR money and running up huge debts on OUR behalf.  Those of us in America have incurred $17 trillion in National Debt, plus probably 3-4 times that much in unfunded liabilities.  Yes, you read that right.  Our politicians have committed us and our children and our grandchildren to pay for lots of stuff in the future, and these politicians haven't been setting aside any money to pay for these things as they come due.  This would be pensions for politicians and government employees.  It would be Medicaid and Medicare and now Obamacare.  There are also payments for Social Security.  We have created an entire class of permanently unemployed by taking care of them instead of forcing them to find a job.  Those folks represent an unfunded future bill for their food, housing, and income far off into the future.  Most of this spending has been put on autopilot by the original legislation, with formulas for calculating the payouts.  It isn't even considered as part of the discretionary spending, and Congress can't change the spending without changing the laws that govern it.

It seems that fewer and fewer of us are working and trying to pay these bills, and more and more folks are staying back and collecting their livelihood from the government dole.  The liberals speak to your emotions and sound so compassionate.  They never solve any of these nagging problems that keep these folks unemployed and unemployable.  Instead, they just pass more laws that create more unemployment and more poverty.  We have more people than ever living below the poverty level. 

The average American is fed up with Congress.  We are fed up with them "kicking the can down the road."  We keep looking for a sign that they will take the actions necessary to get Americans working again.  We are hoping that Congress will take the drastic steps needed to actually get the budget under control.  We want a balanced budget, and I personally want to see the National Debt paid down over time.

Do I hate the MessAPolitico that runs this country?  You bet I do.  Am I frustrated with them?  Absolutely.  Is it just the Democrats or just the Republicans?  I have had it with all of the establishment types in both the Democratic and Republican parties.  The Tea Party "radicals" like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee are the ones I support.  They recognize the problems and they're willing to risk their own political futures to save something far more important, America.

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