There are already laws in place that make the illegal immigrants illegal. Now we're talking about passing a new law that makes them legal. Is that what America wants? For the most part, no. The Democrats want to make illegal immigrants legal because they believe they will vote Democrat. If you make enough of these folks legal and give them the right to vote, the Democrats will be guaranteed to win every election going forward. The conservatives and the libertarians will then be officially disenfranchised. We will have lost our country completely. (We may have already lost the country. At this point in time, I don't see how any Republican will ever win the presidency again.)
This round of immigration reform talks is interestingly similar to the other debates between liberals and conservatives over the past four or five years. It has come to a head all of a sudden. The bill is reported to be a 1000 page monstrosity that no one has seen yet. It will be dropped on Congress right at the end of the session, before the summer recess. It will be pressed to the floor for a vote just before the recess, and there will be an artificial deadline as the Democrats try to make it urgent to pass the bill without reading it. Why do the authors of this bill want it passed before it is read? Is there something hidden in there that the folks might not like?
Why does this bill need to be 1000 pages? Are all these pages needed to hide something? Why do we need this bill at all? As I have already written, there are already laws in place that lay out a path to citizenship. If folks come into our country without following the legal immigration path, then they are in violation of the law. These laws just need to be enforced rigorously. There is absolutely no need for amnesty. There is no need for sympathy. So what if the illegal immigrants have been here a long time? I guess they were just lucky enough to be here all this time, but now it's time for them to go home.
I keep hearing Marco Rubio talking about how people that are extended the opportunity for amnesty and legal citizenship won't get welfare or other free government services for some period of time. Why should any of these folks be getting these "freebies" today? Why do their kids get to go to our schools? Why do they cross the border and show up in the emergency room for free medical care? They should be arrested just after treatment in the hospital and incarcerated for entering the country illegally. Of course, it is politically incorrect to even ask them to prove that they are citizens. That applies to police or hospital personnel or anyone that needs to know.
I'm sure you've heard the argument that there is no way to get the millions of illegal immigrants rounded up and deported. I don't think we should have to round them up. We don't need new laws. We need new tactics for gaining enforcement of the laws we have. Instead of using the same old MessAPolitico that says we can't do it, let's come up with solutions--new ways of making the immigration laws work. The first step in solving any problem is defining it. If you can figure out the root causes of the problem, solutions can be developed.
So, why do illegal immigrants come to America? They come here for better paying jobs. They come here to get money for the support of their families. They come here when they need medical care that they can't get south of the border. They come here for welfare and other government benefits. Sometimes they come here to sell illegal drugs and marijuana. Sometimes crimes are committed against Americans that live just north of the border.
How do we stop people from crossing the border for jobs, medical benefits, or government assistance? It seems that we need a much better system for verifying citizenship. If we made it impossible for them to get a job or benefits, why would this segment of the illegals come here? Why would the ones already here stay? We need to check for citizenship at every opportunity, and illegals need to be punished with fines and deportation or incarceration.
We need to use today's best technologies to verify citizenship. I think this could be done by using a photo ID card issued by our government. The photo could be published online and on the card, along with fingerprints. A fake ID wouldn't do you any good, if the potential employer could check online and see that it doesn't exist in the system. If the person using the card doesn't look like the photo online, then it's not that person's ID. A bar code could be scanned on the card that brings up the information instantly for verification. In fact, this type system could be used to verify your identity for a credit application. Could elimination of identity theft be a side benefit of this system that helps all of us? The technology certainly exists, so why doesn't the MessAPolitico spend more money on this than it spends on benefits fraudulently obtained by illegal immigrants? Why not get the jobs that are currently held by illegal immigrants back in the hands of American citizens?
The money we save on benefits to illegal aliens could be used for fencing and guarding of the borders. The extra tax dollars paid by Americans with jobs would also help pay the government bills. Maybe we don't have to pay out as much welfare and unemployment benefits to unemployed Americans either. Use the extra tax revenues and savings to expand the number of border patrol agents or to use the National Guard for securing the borders. Then we could take care of the crime problems and illegal drug trafficking across the border.
Will this MessAPolitico get fixed? Not if you leave it to the Democrats. Once again, they don't have America's best interests at heart. They only care about gaining political power. Self interest will trump the best interests of the people these politicians were elected to serve.
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