Why does immigration reform remind me of Jonestown, Guyana? Do the Republicans really think they will save themselves by passing an immigration reform bill that gives amnesty to a bunch of illegal immigrants? Hey Republicans, what's wrong with you guys? Are that many of you morons? Your opponents stand to gain 30 million new voters that will overwhelmingly vote for them, not you.
Why do the Republicans believe that the new immigrants will vote Republican if the amnesty bill comes from a group of Republicans? It won't happen? Did I mention that it won't happen? It will never happen?
An early Republican, Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves. Republicans are responsible for passing civil rights in defiance of the southern Democrats. Do African-Americans repay the good turns by voting Republican these days? Guess what. The newly naturalized Hispanic Americans are certainly going to follow suit and vote Democrat.
How will the Republicans ever be a factor in American politics again? The Democrats have convinced the Republicans to commit mass political suicide.
Will the borders be secured by this law? It is unlikely. Did the congress already pass a law requiring a fence to be built to protect our southern border? Yes. Was it built? Very little of it was built. Will this time be different? I doubt it.
Congress, please spend your energy and our tax dollars on new tactics that allow us to enforce the laws we already have on the books. Don't reward immigration law breakers with amnesty and citizenship. Have no sympathy for these offenders. Arrest them. Deport them. Fine them. Deny them all benefits of real US citizens. End this MessAPolitico now. Don't try to fix one MessAPolitico with a new one that is worse than the original.
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