I saw some of those congressional hearings last week about the IRS scandal. There were some members of Congress that don't seem to realize their place. They work for us. We elected (hired) them to represent our views in congress. This is a representative republic where we don't individually vote on every law or bill that is brought up for consideration. We hired these folks to take care of that business on our behalf. Yes, we gave them a job, and that job is to vote in accord with our desires. These politicians aren't free to vote their mind; they're supposed to vote our collective mind.
This very simply illustrates why more and more Americans have a serious dislike and distrust of politicians. I abhor politicians that try to twist reality so that they appear to be doing us a favor, when they are doing something that hurts us and hurts America. Either we've elected idiots that don't know they're hurting the constituents or they are selfishly doing it to further their political ambitions without regard for the constituents. Is that leadership?
The check and balance is supposed to be freedom of the press. The press should investigate the statements of our leaders. They should study the ramifications of new laws. The things learned in these investigations should be reported to the American people in an unbiased way so that we can decide. There absolutely shouldn't be favoritism either. The driving factor in a news story should be getting a "scoop," not deciding whether this story should be squashed to protect their favorite politician and further the reporter's personal political agenda. Would a politician spew disingenuous crap and political spin if he or she knew the press would reveal the truth?
The people not only have no trust in politicians, but they also have no trust in the media whatsoever. We have created a situation in the American media where all news is nothing but an editorial. The editorial pages of the newspaper have expanded to include everything but the want-ads. The result is that Americans have left the traditional media outlets in large numbers for the Internet, non-traditional sources.
What's the answer to this MessAPolitico? It's time to throw them all out of office. It's time for term limits. We need to end politics as a career path. There are too many slick talking lawyers in politics too. America needs more statesmen and stateswomen leaders. We let the press select our leaders for us by vilifying politicians they disagree with. The dirt they dig up, or make up, prevents a lot of smart, good people from running for office at all. Why would good, smart people want to put themselves through the hassle? It's time to wake up America. We are the only ones that can end this MessAPolitico. Let's replace it with common sense and humility. I hope it's not too late.
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