Obama has been saying since before Obamacare was passed that we needed the Affordable Care Act to reduce healthcare costs. He promised that our insurance and healthcare costs would all be reduced, but there was a special emphasis on the savings to the federal government because of the wasteful way we provide healthcare for people without insurance.
Barack Obama said that people showed up at the emergency room to get care that would be more economically done in a doctor's office. That's not wrong. It's also the reason that private insurance companies make you pay a much larger out-of-pocket cost for emergency room visits to encourage using other resources unless there is a true emergency. By contrast, the government encourages emergency room visits by legislatively forcing hospitals to never turn anyone away in an "emergency." Just another example of a MessAPolitico to be cured by another piece of legislation.
Barack Obama also talked about how a lot of young people think they won't need insurance, so they choose not to buy it. Then, when they end up with a major illness or injury, the government is left "holding the bag." That also is true. These young people are willing to "roll the dice," because the odds are definitely in their favor, AND they know the government won't leave them high and dry when the unthinkable happens. Isn't the government encouraging this behavior? If the unlucky young person ends up with a $100,000 bill and goes into debt to stay alive, then so be it. That's the chance he or she took. The chance should be taken with their own money though, not our tax dollars.
The young person that's at low risk for a medical problem should pay correspondingly very low insurance rates. If they did, that would be more reason for them to buy insurance. It would be inexpensive, and they would be covered in case of that rare, catastrophic occurrence. Isn't the MessAPolitico just encouraging more bad behavior when government bureaucrats decide that a young, single person needs all sorts of coverages that run up the price? These are coverages that the insured will likely not use until they get older, and their health is slipping.
If it wasn't for the government dictating the rules and then paying out money when you make bad decisions, I believe people would be more likely to take the right actions on their own. If the government wasn't stepping in and paying for our medical bills, they wouldn't need to tell us how to live our lives, what to eat, how often to exercise, etc. etc. either. The more responsibility you give to the government, the more control it will exercise over your life. You aren't free to live your life now, because the government is trying to force all of us to do what they deem is right. Are they really concerned about your well-being? Or are they just trying to save a buck any way they can? Or do the liberals just want more power concentrated in the hands of government?
I can't take much more of this MessAPolitico? End Obamacare. Obamacare is gradually destroying the greatest medical system the world has ever known. We don't have better care for the poorest people in America; we have just made the care for everyone else worse and more expensive. Vote the Democrats out of the Senate in 2014. Make Barack Obama veto the bill to repeal Obamacare. Defund Obamacare. It can't move forward without money.
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