Our American way of life is what it is for a number of reasons. I believe that freedom for anyone and everyone in this country to excel financially is first and foremost amongst the reasons. Anyone can build a business or a career of their choice. They can choose to enter any area of business and grow that business to any level they want. Maybe that is a local gas station or maybe a multi-national manufacturing organization.
If you have spent time in a third world country, you will quickly notice that their are rich people there, just like the US. The big difference is the lack of a middle class in the third world country. Only a very few people fall into this category, with the masses living in poverty. The masses don't have access to a free education through high school. The kids go to work at an early age, ending whatever educational opportunity they had.
The wealth is concentrated in the hands of the ruling class. These rulers are often dictatorial. They aren't elected to represent the desires of the citizenry. They are born into power in a monarchy or their power is simply seized by intimidation or force. The good of the people is not of any real concern to these leaders. They can oppress them if they want. They can tax them into poverty. Sometimes these leaders are benevolent and treat the people reasonably well. Other times, they oppress the people through military action. In some cases, the people are pushed into a corner and begin to fight back. We have seen a rise in this activity in the middle east over the past couple of years.
In America, our constitution is supposed to protect us from this oppression. Over the first 200+ years since the founding, Americans have enjoyed a great deal of freedom -- an unprecedented freedom never seen before on this planet. This has led to widespread prosperity. Yes, there are some very rich people in the USA, but there are also a lot of us that fall into a quite comfortable middle class. In fact, even our poor in the United States live better than half the world's population.
Is the MessAPolitico in the process of moving America back toward the norm of the world? Does the Barack Obama regime believe in their hearts that Americans have more than they deserve? Is the over-riding goal with this group a desire to redistribute America's wealth across the globe? It's hard to conceive that a president that was elected by the masses would work against them to break down our country. It's even harder to believe that these masses could be duped into re-electing a president that is either inept or wants to purposefully destroy our country.
I see this president, a constitutional law professor, taking every opportunity to bypass the constitution. He tries to reach his goals through the legislative process, but if the Congress refuses to pass the law, Obama doesn't let that stop him. He will just issue an executive order and bypass the will of the people. Or maybe he will use an agency to issue regulations to reach his goals. The freedoms in America are being eroded every day and every week under the Barack Obama MessAPolitico. Every action he takes concentrates more power in the hands of the executive branch of government. The benefactors are the ruling class.
These politicians were given their power by the electorate. We either did it by voting for them or by staying home and not voting against them. It's time to take that power back. The next time you see this new American monarch taking his family on a lavish vacation to Europe or Africa using our tax dollars, try to remember when the president was an employee of us, the American people. Maybe you will then realize that we now have a ruler, not a public servant.
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