Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Abortion: Murder that Protects an Unwed Mother from her Mistakes

For some reason, liberals generally all support abortion.  They suddenly want us to have freedom of choice, and their rhetoric says that conservatives want to take away a mothers right to choose.  They also say that we must provide young girls free contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, but to teach them abstinence is ignorant.  They, of course, know more about such things than we ignorant hick conservatives do.  The mother gets freedom of choice in what she does with her unborn child, but we aren't afforded freedom of religion or freedom of expression when our view differs with theirs.  Their government wants all of the children and teenagers attending government run schools that teach sex education and hand out all of the free contraceptives the kids need.  Do the liberals in Hollywood feel any guilt for producing movie after movie that glorifies the "one night stand" and pervasive extramarital sex?  They have shown us that all kids in high school or college are having sex, at least if they are the cool kids.  Is that why they are pro-abortion?  Is it Hollywood guilt for all of the profits they have made changing the culture of America?

Of course, the liberals would say that it's perfectly OK to kill an unborn child all the way up until it is passing through the birth canal.  However, once it is born, we must spend a lot of tax dollars feeding the child, providing it with housing and cable TV, and offering it a free liberal indoctrination -- I mean education -- all the way through graduate school.  Of course, the child and its parents also have the RIGHT to free health care.  Any parent that abuses or even spanks a child once it is born is subject to the wrath of the judicial system in America.  Isn't that taking away the mother's right to choose how she raises her child?

Let's face it, abortion is a way for a young woman or girl to have all of the fun and sex she wants without having to face the consequences.  If you mess up and get pregnant, no one needs to know.  You don't need to raise the child and forgo your own higher education.  You don't need to face the embarrassment of your error -- although I'm not sure it has much of a stigma these days.  All you need to do is knock off your unborn child before your belly begins to swell; kill the kid for you own selfish benefit.  Why should this young girl or her boyfriend be strapped with the inconvenience created by their mistake?

Imagine if a mother of a young child found out how inconvenient the child was after it was born.  She thought that having a baby would be fun, but after being awakened at all hours for early morning feedings, it wasn't as much fun.  Those babies can be pretty expensive too.  Sometimes they get sick or need to have their nasty diapers changed.  What if mom decided the kid was too inconvenient after it was born?  Shouldn't she have the right to murder the baby after it is born?  Maybe when the kid starts getting in trouble or is difficult to deal with during adolescence she should have the right to choose whether it lives or dies.  I'll bet kids threatened with murder would behave better and listen to their parents' commands.

Of course, these suggestions are ridiculous.  But, they're not any more ridiculous than killing the baby before it's born for the mother's convenience.  Abortion has been justified by the MessAPolitico.  They say the mother's right to choose murder should be protected under the law.  They will also tell you that the baby isn't a human life until it is fully born or maybe until it is viable outside the womb.  Give me a break.  Have you ever heard a mother say she has a fetus inside her that will come to life when it pops out?  I doubt that even a hardcore liberal abortionist pro-choice feminist would describe their unborn baby that way.

I doubt that abortion laws will ever be repealed in America.  I would be surprised if the MessAPolitico would do the right thing and even call it what it is -- murder.  Even the conservative politicians fear losing elections, and they prefer not to discuss abortion.  We can raise our children as we see fit though.  We can tell them that abortion is murder.  We can point out politicians that support the murder of unborn children to our sons and daughters.  A kid's parents can shape their beliefs and morals.  They have much more control than they sometimes realize.  I remember telling my young daughter that Bill Clinton supported killing unborn babies, and she was appalled.  That was a big issue with her all through college where she participated in anti-abortion rallies.  We are unlikely to end legal abortion in the United States, but we can simply educate our children to not use this freedom of choice.

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