Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Was Mike Huckabee Out of Line?

Former Governor Huckabee said that the women he knew were offended by Democrats telling them that they couldn't survive without government.  Maybe the women he knows feel that way.  Maybe a lot of women feel that way.  It's a shame that he said something considered to be "politically incorrect."  Does he not have freedom of speech?  Isn't this something that needed to be said?  He's retired from politics, so he doesn't have to worry about re-election anymore.

The American people are tired of timid politicians that are afraid they're going to offend someone.  It's ironic that these politicians end up offending their base by saying things or not saying things in an effort to not offend those people most unlikely to vote for them.

The American people want politicians to get out of their pockets and out of their way.  We don't care about the political ambitions of these career politicians.  I predict that a political revolution is on its way in the next few elections.  It doesn't seem like the Republicans are going to all reap benefits from the problems and failures of Obamacare.  The rogue Republicans like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz can benefit from Washington's failures in general, but the American people seem to blame the state of our country on the political establishment, regardless of party.

Partisan infighting has left us with a dysfunctional government that creates ten new problems every time it tries to solve one problem.  Then, the finger pointing starts as each party blames all the bad things on the other party or big business or capitalism or rich people or you name it.  Their answer to each of these problems is another government program or a big government intrusion into our lives, our businesses, and our families.

If this MessAPolitico continues, we won't have any freedom left.  I absolutely don't understand why we need to ask permission from the government to start a business or to expand one.  The government tells us how the products we buy must be designed and made.  The government regulates how much interest a bank can charge you.  Of course, the government tells the bank how much to charge for the services they sell rather than letting the competition determine that.

Another irony is that government gets paid every time any kind of transaction occurs in the marketplace.  They don't produce anything involved in the transaction or provide any capital investment in the business, but these greedy politicians demand a cut of the profits.  They also get their cut of the sale price with retail transactions.  Doesn't this remind you of doing business in a neighborhood run by the mob?  If you buy a car, the government gets sales tax, licensing fees, tax on the insurance that they make you buy, and tax on the gasoline the car burns.  If you bought an electric car, you pay a utility tax on your electric bill.  The gasoline not only has a per gallon gasoline tax, but the corporate profits are taxed.  The profits of the gas station owner are also taxed.  Any workers in the gas station or at the oil company pay income taxes and payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare taxes).  Of course, the oil companies can't drill for oil in a lot of places, because the government decides that most places are off limits.

Help, I'm drowning in the MessAPolitico!  Somebody, please, get this MessAPolitico off of my back and out of my wallet!  Do you voters who elected Obama and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and all of these worthless RINO's in Washington have something against me?  If you're as dissatisfied as the polls say you are, then please join me in a revolt in the upcoming primaries.  Write your Representative and your Senators, and tell them how dissatisfied you are.  Tell them you are voting against them in the primary, because you want to elect someone that will uphold the Constitution and restore our freedom.

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