Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Barack, Who's Your Daddy?

Have you seen the movie, Dreams from My Real Father?  This a movie that is a documentary about President Barack Obama and his family.  This movie presents the case that the president's father is not Barack Obama from Kenya, but instead is Frank Marshall Davis.  Mr. Davis was a propagandist for the Communist Party in the United States.  This is a movie that every American should view, especially those that voted for Barack Obama in any election.

The writer, Joel Gilbert, even shows side by side photographs of the President with his father, Barack Obama Sr., and Frank Marshall Davis.  You can judge for yourself, but I believe the President looks a lot more like Frank Marshall Davis than Barack Obama I.  This movie claims that our president spent a lot of time with Frank Marshall Davis in his youth and was indoctrinated with the Communist Party USA propaganda.  Barack Obama then went on to Occidental College in Los Angeles where he further developed his belief in the communist ideology.

Their are many oddities in the Barack Obama story that are presented in this movie.  Here's a synopsis of the story as I remember it from my viewing before the 2012 election.  The story goes that the president's grandfather was a CIA agent, and he was investigating communist activities in unions.  The family was living in the Seattle area and, to help preserve his cover, attended a communist/socialist church there.  After Barack's mother had finished high school, the family moved to Hawaii, and she was very unhappy about it.  (I'm not sure why a person would prefer Seattle to Hawaii.  This is the only part of the movie that wasn't believable!)  She became very rebellious while attending college in Hawaii.  Maybe all those sermons on Sunday mornings in Seattle had indoctrinated her too.

In any case, Barack's mother became enamored with Frank Marshall Davis.  Mr. Davis was somehow connected to jazz music as a musician or just a fan, and this was very seductive to Barack's mother, Ann Dunham.  She began spending a lot of time with him, and it is believed by writer Joel Gilbert that she became pregnant by Mr. Davis.

This was a great problem for the president's grandfather since Mr. Davis was an avowed communist.  Consequently, the president's grandfather recruited a family acquaintance, Barack Obama Sr., to be listed as the father of the soon to be born child.  Barack's supposed father was offered payment to return from Kenya for further studies in Hawaii to act as the father.  This story says that the so-called "birthers" that were trying to prove that Barack Obama II was not born in the USA were misguided in their efforts.  This movie says that our president was born in the USA, but the real story is that his father is a communist.  The big part about that is Frank Marshall Davis' role in shaping Barack Obama's view of capitalism and communism.

Could this explain the current MessAPolitico in the USA?  I don't know.  It's interesting that the media hasn't done anything to discredit this documentary.  In fact, I've never heard it even mentioned anywhere in the media.  Is that a media cover up?  Is the media afraid that you will find out about this movie.  I think you should spend a little time viewing the case presented and make your own decision.

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