Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Democrat or Republican?

I started out pretty independent in my thinking in my 20's.  I always said that I would vote for the best person regardless of party affiliation.  In the first election after I was old enough to vote, I voted for a Libertarian candidate for governor.  At the time I didn't even know what a Libertarian was.  After the fiasco in 2000 when Al Gore, Jr. tried to steal the presidential election by requesting recounts only in counties where he expected to win, I was completely turned off to Democrats.  I said that I would never vote Democrat again, even if the candidate was my mother, and Al Gore's dirty pool was the reason.

I still feel that way about Democrats, even though I realize that Democrats aren't all like Al Gore.  Any Democrat that goes to Washington has to toe the party line.  He or she might be the so-called "blue dog" democrat that is conservative, but they are expected to vote with the rest of the party by the leadership.  If they don't, the support of the party will go to another candidate in the next election, and the chances of re-election will be minimized.

The problem today is that the Republicans are trying to go after the moderate and independent voters by mimicking the Democrats.  This strategy will never work because the average conservative or libertarian voter is disenchanted and frustrated.  More of us will stay home than the Republican candidate gains from the moderates and independents.

The leadership in the parties are playing partisan politics on each side.  Their games have nothing to do with what is good for the country.  All of us out here in the heartland know that the MessAPolitico is hurting the country and hurting us, but the same type of candidates get elected at every election.  In many cases, it's not just the same type of candidate, but it is the same exact candidate that has been in Washington for twenty or thirty years.  I think it is time for these career politicians to be forced to make a career change.

Unless you voted in the last election against the bum that won, don't complain about what they're doing.  If you stayed home, you have nobody to blame but yourself.  These politicians need to be reminded that they're representing us in Washington.  We hired them, and we can fire them.  Don't reward the MessAPolitico with another victory on election day.

In fact, the most important election day for this type of punishment is the primary.  Many people don't show up at the polls for the primary election.  They don't have time for such a meaningless endeavor.  If you're a conservative, and the Republicans elect the same old RINO in the primary, what are you going to do in the general election?  Do you vote for the Democrat, the Republicrat, or no one?  I urge everyone to pay special attention to the primaries this time.  It's time to kick out the MessAPolitico, and the best way to do that is in the primary.  It's time to purge the RINO's and the Republican leadership, but we certainly don't want to replace them with Democrats.  We need new conservative or libertarian leaning Republicans, especially those with Tea Party support.  These are the folks that will take our great country back to the principles that made it great.  Returning to the constitutional republic that the founding fathers set up is the only way to save America.  I hope it's not too late.

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