Let's Stop this MessAPolitico!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Does the President Preserve, Protect & Defend the Constitution?

To be precise, the oath of office actually says “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  Maybe Barack Obama just doesn't have that much ability.  In fact, he seems to have a lot more ability at trampling the constitution.  That's pretty amazing for a former constitutional law professor.

Article I of the Constitution states that "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."  So, how can the president take a law that was passed by Congress and signed by him and adjust it, tweak it, or ignore it?  Are those laws just optional?  Are the fine points just suggested ways of implementation?

How do all of these executive branch agencies get to write endless regulations that govern how we conduct our affairs, our lives, and our business?  Why do the private businesses that want to build the Keystone XL pipeline need to ask permission from the government before starting the construction?  Can't they just buy the strip of land from Canada to the refineries along the gulf coast and start building the pipeline?  Why does a television station need to have permission from the FCC to broadcast their signal?  OK, there would be broadcast chaos without someone assigning frequencies and bandwidth, but there are a lot of places where the government regulates things that are none of their business.  In fact, the FCC sometimes seems to want to limit free speech where it is expedient.

The New York City government has decided that we don't need to buy soft drinks that are bigger than they think is good for you.  Now the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has decided what health insurance coverage you and I need.  The federal government has decided how energy efficient my car needs to be, even though I have plenty of incentive to improve efficiency since I'm paying for the gasoline.  Of course, our government is kind of funny when they mandate higher efficiency cars, but complain that gasoline tax collections are down.  The government tells tobacco companies to put a label on their products that tell us the product is bad for us.  Then the government collects a bunch of tax on cigarettes, making me wonder if they really want you to quit smoking.

Health insurance was originally offered by companies to entice workers to join their workforce.  It was a perk.  Back then, unemployment was low, and the employers were trying to get skilled people any way possible.  Now, suddenly the government has decided that your employer owes you health insurance.  They have also decided what coverage the company must provide.  The only reason employers have been dropping health coverage for their employees is the rapidly rising cost.  Why is the cost so high?  Could it be malpractice lawsuits?  Do you think all of those regulations of the health care and insurance industries might come into play?

Obama acts like a "two-bit" dictator when he signs his executive orders or one of his agencies writes a new regulation.  Congress refused to infringe upon our second amendment gun rights, so the EPA just closed down all of the lead smelting plants in the USA.  You can keep your gun, but where will you get ammunition?  Congress refused to pass Cap and Trade, so Obama sent the EPA after coal fired power plants.  Where does it end?

It's time for the Congressional MessAPolitico to challenge these actions in the Supreme Court.  I don't care if Bill Clinton or George W. Bush or anyone else has been doing this stuff for years.  It is simply unconstitutional, and it is destroying our great country.  I implore the Tea Party patriots in Congress to challenge the Obama administration in court.  If nothing else, it will keep them tied up fighting the lawsuits and slow down their progress.

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